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激励大学生英语学习动机的策略 [9]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-05-26编辑:lzm点击率:11603

论文字数:5091论文编号:org201405252210019650语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:英语学习动机Stimulating College StudentEnglish Learning Motivation大学英语English teachers

摘要:In the process of students' English learning, the teacher should develop and intensify students' English learning motivation through definite teaching goals. The factors which influencing English learning motivation is complex.

comments. As an example, students can be asked to construct and act out a brief dialogue of "Diogenes Meets Jigong," as they learn an intensive reading text on Diogenes and Cynicism. Cooperative activities are at optimal level to keep students feel safe and can stimulate their arousal. Thus, more and more teachers use cooperative activities in English teaching rather than competition, which is also relatively effective. In cooperative activities, students can decrease fear of failure while communicate and exchange information effectively and involve with high emotion and efforts to solve problems. In this case, students who are reluctant and fearful to perform are drawn to participate to share their ideas. This method is suitable for higher level of students to communicate in English. For example, group discussing and doing project, which are complex and challenging, are a good way to enable students to work cooperatively with peers. And as teachers, it is more effective to provide helps and comment fairly on their work in time or ask students to make a self-evaluation about their projects. This enables students to focus on their learning process and allows them to see their progress. And also, teachers should try to create opportunities of communication in English for students. The ability to communicate in the language is one of the most critical skills in language learning. For the learners, the ability to communicate is dependent upon fitting together the fragments of their knowledge into a whole message unit. In other words, communication in language learning is the formation of a functional gestalt, a whole. The student takes the bits and pieces of his experience, his knowledge of tense, structures, and vocabulary and puts these together to form a message. Thus the ability to communicate in the language requires the formation of functional verbal gestalt for the language learner.
 5.5 English Study Combined with Social English Need
 In various areas, the real society requests university graduate's English skill, which is the objective requirement of the economic development and the society development to the English education. We call it the social English request. Always, we take the school's requirement of the student's English level as the requirement of the  student's English study. Real motivation occurs only when the people combine the desire to achieve the goal of learning the foreign language and the right attitudes toward learning the foreign language with their action. Motivation can not be separated from personal effort, desire, the right attitudes and action. Spolsky said, "Motivation itself has three components: attitudes towards learning the second language, desire to learn the language and effort made to learn the language. All three are involved if the students is truly motivated."(Zhang Xuejiao,2005:3) Thus, English study combined with social need is of vital importance.
 5.6 Creating Fantasy Situation
The method is called the "Fantasy Journey", because it provides the framework for a directed flight of the imagination which generates the creation of surrealist environments. Within the unreal environment, the student has the opportunity to express his own ideas without the risk of condemnation of disapproval from classmates or teacher. In the world of the fantasy situation, everything the student says is socially acceptable. There are 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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