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中西方餐桌礼仪对比 [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-05-26编辑:lzm点击率:41423

论文字数:5060论文编号:org201405252100051829语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:中西方餐桌礼仪中西方文化差异Differences of table mannersChina and Western countriescultural background

摘要:Every culture in the world is equal, with no one being dominant or recessive to another. We should avoid using our own culture, morality and value to judge foreign culture. We should treat foreign culture objectively and comprehendly.

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   The number of the wineglass is equal to the number of wine’s kind. The proper order to put glasses from left to right is: strong drink glass, wine glass, champagne glass and beer glass. The napkin is put on the place plate. If there is something to put in the plate before the guests sit down, the napkin would be put behind the place plate. Once you scoop the food, you should never put them back. It’s better to eat at once or put into your plate. If the food is too scalding to eat, never stir the food or blow by mouth. You can put them into the blow and wait for a while. It is impolite to put the spoon in to mouth, or lick the spoon over and over again. Knife and fork

   The right way to use knife and fork is: knife is used to cut food and fork is used to carry food into mouth. If you need to put down the knife and fork during the dinner, you should put them on both sides of the plate, and knife and fork should be put in the way that looks like the Chinese word “八”. After dinner (or you do not want to eat any more), you should put the fork and knife parallel on the plate with the fork’s reverse side up. That means you have finished the dinner. You can use knife and fork in a French way that handle fork in your left hand and knife in the right hand; you can also use them in an English way that handle knife in your left hand and fork in the right hand. It depends on your own. Spoon

   Usually there are two kinds of spoons: the big one is soup spoon and the small one is dessert spoon. Soup spoon is always put on the outermost right side, together with the knife. Dessert spoon is put together with desert knife and fork. The right order to use tableware

   Although there are so many tablewares at western dinner, the rule for using tablewares is simple. The right order to use tablewares is to pick from outside to inside. There is an exception that when salad is sent together with entrée, the knife and fork that closest to the plate are salad knife and fork. The salad plate is on the left of the dinner knife and fork. If there is no salad plate, salad knife and fork will send together with salad. The other exception is that oyster fork is on the right hand of dinner plate, which is on the outmost side of tablewares. Spoons are on the right hand of forks. The outmost one is soup spoon; the one between knives and soup spoon is dessert spoon; the leftmost one is dessert fork. Usually, in order to distinguish dessert tablewares from other tablewares, people used to put the dessert tablewares above the dinner plate.

   Napkins are also important in western dinner. After sitting down, you can drink appetizer and chatting with other guests. Just before the dinner begins, you can open the napkin and put it on your knees. By this way you can protect your clothes from been stained by food. Besides, you can only put the napkin on your knees. Putting napkin under your ties or put one corner into your collar would make you look embarrassed and will also make bad impression to other guests.

2.2.3 Reasons that cause the differences of tablewares

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