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Study in conceptual design of staffs training [4]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-01-17编辑:gcZhong点击率:30854

论文字数:34918论文编号:org200904291442304456语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Training schemeDesign

988. Third, the funds are very large in proportion in the company that train. In the early 1990s, the cost in staffs training of every year of American Motorola Company reached 1.2 hundred million dollars, this number accounts for 3.6% of company's payrolls, American Federal Express (Federal Express) The company costs 225 million dollars to use for staffs training every year, this expenses account for 3% of total expenses of company. At present, because of the arrival of the information-intensive society, the upgrading at full speed of the knowledge, skill, people have already realized training is not a kind of privilege or power, but is a kind of need, the training is paid attention to extremely more, no matter in theory or the practice has been developed rapidly. Our country, has realized the importance of the training gradually, but the training is done unsatisfactorily. With the development of market economy, are training and is being paid attention to by people gradually, Wang Zhongyu, general secretary of the State Council, was once here " The national economic and trade working conference " On act as clearly it dispose,want job to train entrepreneur last agenda, strengthen the training of the existing and future senior managerial personnel, strive for it in 3 years, train a number of entrepreneurs who meets the economic development demand of socialist market systematically. At present, the training does not have its due position, the training center becomes the organization not essential while organizing, when being profitable, this organization has a place to stick an awl, when being ineffective, that is cut down is a training organization at first, trace it to its cause: First, the influence of traditional planned economy is still here, the income training is not high to the benefit relevance organized, enable training and is not paid attention to; Second, the training scheme was not designed scientifically, enabling training can not meet the training demand, can't achieve the nticipated goal in result of training. The development of market economy, must become everybody's common understanding to train to the staff constantly, will do the work of training well, the design research of training schemes of staff has already become to need urgently. Third, how to design training schemes of staff (1) Demand analysis of training The organization, as the main player in the market competition, it must be the reason, treat everything with economic people's eyes, no matter the cost which trains the activity is said from expenses, time and energy, it is not all low, it is to take certain risk to train, so need to carry on demand analysis before training, guide the formulation of the training scheme according to the demand, it can't train for training simply to have an object in view. Train the demand to analyze that need to come to go on from the multidimension degree, including organizing, work, individual three respects. First of all, organize to analyze. The organization analyze that mean that confirms the training demand organized in the range, so as to ensure the training plan accords with whole goal and strategic requirement organized. According to operation plan and perspective long-term plan organizing, predict what change this organization may take place technically and on institutional framework in the future, understand existing staff's ability and infer what knowledge and skill will be needed in the future, thu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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