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Study in conceptual design of staffs training [2]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-01-17编辑:gcZhong点击率:30855

论文字数:34918论文编号:org200904291442304456语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Training schemeDesign

cially under the market economy of today, study on training more and more, but what for train, air one's own views, there is not a unified definition at present, extract some to consult for studying below. Train: Mean every organization in order to meet the business and foster talents to need, in way of making up, receiving a training, investigating etc., foster and train plannedly, make it meet new requirement and refresh one's knowledge constantly, there is vigorous ability to work, can competent at the present post, work, and can hold more important post in the future, meet the deep change in respects such as knowledge structure, technological structure, managerial structure and cadre's structure which will bring in new technical revolution,etc.. Train: Point to any activity that the staff teach necessary knowledge of the work and skill, is education of any kind related to work. Train: Mean that creates an environment, enable the staff to get or study particular knowledge, skill, ability and attitude closely related to job requirements in this environment. Train: Refer new employee or existing employee teach it finish basic course of skill that need that own work change. In a word train modernly and mean the staff through studying, make it improve on knowledge, skill, attitude constantly, function of staff with at present or post that it is expected match to the maximum extent, and then the present and the future's working performance of improving the staff. Train and carry on in the fields of psychology and scientific management at first as the scientific research task. Subsequently, train the theory to roughly go through the traditional theory training (1900- 1930) of period with managing the development of the scientific theory , behavior science period training ( 1930- 1960), systematic theory training of period ' 1960- )Three developing stages. In traditional theory period, it is to rely mainly on developing individual skill and attitude to train, it is less likely to consider individuals and others, or the interreaction between individual and group; The training at stage of the behavioral science theory, except that extend traditional theory period and pay attention to the development of individual skill and attitude, pay attention to the relations between individual and others of staff even more; After reaching the 20th century in the sixties, trained the theory to enter systematic theory period, the most important basic assumption of the systematic theory was the opening to the external environment of the system, also regarded as the organization an open system, and especially pay attention to the adaptation with the systems of the system and communicate. After the 1990s, can say that has not had independence developing stage of a fixed mode already while organizing the training, the modern organization should really do a good job of training and educating, must find out about current training development trend, synchronize training and era, training development trend for our times can with brief to sum up for the following several points: First, staffs training is whole. Have improved the whole quality of organizing the staff greatly through the whole vocational training for the workers and staff like this to leading to ordinary staff at target that train, have promoted the development of ones that organized effectively. Meanwhile, it should accord with the strategic objective while studying that the a论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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