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英美文学硕士毕业论文范文:壁垒对家庭伦理关系的启示The Enlightenment on Family Ethical Relationship of The Bulwark [8]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-06-23编辑:anne点击率:20189

论文字数:9397论文编号:org201706231412269097语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:英美文学硕士毕业论文范文壁垒家庭伦理关系EnlightenmentFamily Ethical Relationship


Orville and Dorothea. Under the influence of various materialism ideology in consumption age, the compatriot relationship inevitably move towards alienation, the warmth between brothers and sisters under traditional family ethics disappeared. Alienated compatriot relationships are full of dilemma and struggle. By comparison of the compatriot relationship, it can be seen that what Dreiser expected is the compatriot ethical relationship on the basis of “love and friendship”.

By comparing family ethical relationship in The Bulwark, it can be seen that Dreiser made reflections on how to build ethical relationship in the family. The spousal ethical relationship should be based on “love”, and ethics should not be ignored for one’s own selfish interests. The inter-generational relationship should be based on “responsibility”. If there is lack of consciousness of responsibility in feelings, it is difficult to support each other and understand each other, and it is hard to keep relationship. The compatriot ethical relationship should be on the basis of “love and friendship”. Only care for each other can they get well along with each other. Dreiser’s emphasis on the traditional family ethical relationship embodied his sense of family responsibility. The Bulwark showed Dreiser’s deep concern and reflection on the status of American family ethical relationship. Family life is closely related to social life, family morality is the important contents of social morality. Whatever spousal ethics or inter-generational ethics even compatriot ethics, it is what people have to face in real life. Correctly dealing with family ethical relationship not only concerns the happiness of each family member but also is conducive to social harmony and stabilization. Therefore, Dreiser advocated the return of family ethics, and affirmed the spousal ethical relationship on the basis of love, the inter-generational relationship on the basis of responsibility as well as the compatriot ethical relationship on the basis of love and friendship. He condemned the family ethical relationship dominated by money, criticized the destruction of commercialization value to the traditional family ethical relationship, and negated the life style and moral concept of commodity society dominated by materialism and hedonism, all these bear practical significance.

Chapter 1 Foundation of Love in Husband-wife Relationship
In the late 19th and early 20th century, America entered into “the age of consumption”. Based on such a historical background, and combined with The Bulwark by Dreiser, this thesis analyzes and researches on the changes of American family ethical relationship in the first half of the 20th century. Taking The Bulwark as research object, the thesis discusses the family ethical ideology reflected in The Bulwark by intensive reading of the text and applying ethical literary criticism. By comparative analyzing, for one thing, the thesis discusses and classifies the traditional Puritan family ethical relationship, including spousal ethical relationship, inter-generational ethical relationship and compatriot ethical relationship. For another thing, the thesis discusses the alienation of the traditional family ethical relationship under the influence of consumption. By comparing these two aspects, the thesis attempts to illustrate the changes of family ethical relationship under the historical backgroun论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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