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英美文学硕士毕业论文范文:壁垒对家庭伦理关系的启示The Enlightenment on Family Ethical Relationship of The Bulwark [10]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-06-23编辑:anne点击率:20190

论文字数:9397论文编号:org201706231412269097语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:英美文学硕士毕业论文范文壁垒家庭伦理关系EnlightenmentFamily Ethical Relationship


sweet and happiness. On the contrary, the family life will be overshadowed. Husband and wife love is distinct from parental love and the siblings love, with the essence of the parental love is raising the next generation, the siblings love lies in accompany and support, while husband and wife love lies in living together, which is a process of two individuals combining into one, during which they must go through compromise, tolerance and understanding and finally achieve coexistence and happiness. 

In The Bulwark, Solon is a truly admirer of husband and wife love. Solon Barnes lives in suburban Philadelphia and he is a devout believer of Quakers whose firm faithfulness on God starts young. His parents are both noble devotees. They are diligent and honest, thrift and realistic; they strive for riches yet keep a tight rein on their lust for enjoyment and stay away from luxurious way of living, which is typical code of secular Puritan. “……他同任何人做朋友,只要能叫自己六十英亩田增加收入,能叫金勃太太的抵押生意增加利息便行。他在杜克拉本市以及附近地方逐渐发现了若干商人,觉得他们比他在特连顿所认识的人,生意眼似乎要少一点。其中有些是教友会教友,有些不是教友,这些人觉得罗富斯不论作为普通一个人也好,一个生意人也好,都很能叫人亲近。他为人诚实,一心想赚一笔适当的利息,可是此外并无他求”。(Chapter 7, p.31) 

Love help Solon make clear the relation between work and fortune. After meeting Benecia, there opens a window in Solon’s life, out of which scenes of dreams of having a happy family are with her. “她是当地最有钱的教友之一的女儿,每天坐轻便轿式马车到校,下课后,这辆马车便来接她回去。” “苏伦觉得她是他见过的女孩子中最美的一个。这是他平生第一次碰到一个他心目中那样迷人的女孩子。” (Chapter 8, 36) In order to marry the girl he loves, Solon works hard under the guidance of “Light of God”, because in that time, how could parents who believe in Quaker code allow Benecia, a girl of seventeen and the heiress of the rich man Wallin, to marry a young man with a low social status like him?. Solon “……心中充满了快乐,决心要努力提高自己,好叫他能够配得上享受这样大的幸福。”(chapter 21, p.94) 苏伦在华琳家里的地位,也在稳步提高。他努力的结果,显然证明了他正是华琳希望的那个类型的青年——跟他当年相仿的青年,至少,华琳自以为是这样。虽然他还并不急于把女儿嫁给他,不过,他开始把苏伦看作琵尼西阿理想丈夫了。巴恩斯这家人的社会地位与经济地位,尽管不尽合理想,但是苏伦这个年轻人的勤恳,一心放在银行金融业务上,足以预兆瑟尼西阿将来继承到的遗产能得到保障。”(chapter 23, p.99)Yet Solon’s diligence led to rising in status in Wallin’s family and Wallin even agreed to marry his daughter to him eventually. From Wallin’s perspective, Solon resembles him when he was young and this man is capable of providing his daughter with reliable security. 

Thus Solon’s childhood dream came true: a decent status, a great family, a young and beautiful wife and some influential relatives and friends as well as a health and strong body. All these are out of his endeavor, yet in the eyes of Solon, these are gained due to the guidance of God. Just as Oliver Stone preaches, “if you believe in the true and the good in your goals, you should trust the creator of life no matter what your goals are for he will never guides you astray. Jesus said, according to Gospel of John Chapter 14, para.13: ‘if you love me, then follow my codes’ ”.This instill confidence in Solon in the time of extreme confusion and thus he takes a staunch step in his way to fight. 

The realization of Solon’s dream reinforces his faithfulness to the God; hence virtues in his behavior like diligence, integrity, honesty, kindness and obeying orders. He works arduously, acts politely and bears in mind everything that related to him and deserves attention. Moreover, he spares on effort in help the disadvantaged. Austerity is his favored way of living and he will never en论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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