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英美文学硕士毕业论文范文:壁垒对家庭伦理关系的启示The Enlightenment on Family Ethical Relationship of The Bulwark [12]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-06-23编辑:anne点击率:20188

论文字数:9397论文编号:org201706231412269097语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:英美文学硕士毕业论文范文壁垒家庭伦理关系EnlightenmentFamily Ethical Relationship


lues bring to Solon and Benecia unparalleled happiness, their marriage based on love, “没有什么人能比他们俩更幸福的了; 真是这样,也没有任何家庭能比他们这两家更幸福的了。” (Chapter 24, 103)
1.2 Fragile Marriage without Love
In the long development of history, human’s marriage and family experienced from consanguieous marriage, exogamous marriage to pair marriage which the marital relations is not so strong, and till the individual’s marriage with strong bond. It can be said that the human’s marriage and family develops and changes continuously in form and essence with the development of society. The significance of marriage and family is far beyond the narrow scope of individuals, and has universal meaning. Family ethic can be understood as some moral model that family members should obey, which is defined by blood and legal relationship within the confines of family, while this kind of moral model will make corresponding adjustments with the changes of history and society, that is to say, family ethic is stable in the short run and is a kind of morality, responsibility and obligation regulation to maintain the mutual relationship among family members within the confines of family.  But from the perspective of long-run development of human history, family ethic is in the process of constant changing, and it is changing in different historical period, different areas and different nationalities, especially in the situation of dramatic social changes, the relatively stable family relationship suffered from impact, destruction, collapse and reconstruction.

Marx once proposed that family was on the basis of blood relationship, which was a kind of social basic unit centered on marriage life. Family life is determined by the conditions of social production rather than family concept. Family is based on blood relationship, and the social basic unit centered on marriage. It is the base for someone’s growth and development, and also the main channel to communicate morality. However, family relationship is also “not only the marriage relationship and blood relationship but also the main ethical relationship. Family ethic is the basis of social ethic.”

Marriage relationship is the most fundamental one among the family relationship. Traditional family conception thought that marriage was based on love and responsibility, the two people of the marriage respecting and loving each other is the ideal status of a family. Solon and Benecia’s marriage was undoubtedly based on mutual respect and love, with all the virtues of a traditional marriage. However, their children, Orville and Dorothea’s marriage was completely out of the romantic feelings, and completely turned into a naked money relations. Orville was Solon’s second child. Dorothea was the second daughter of Solon.

Orville is a young man with good looking, brown eyes and black hair. He is tall with confident expression and great composure. However, Orville showed no interests in any kinds of further education. His relation with rich merchant Justus Wallin made him think that he himself is promising. Among Orville’s students, he is most willing to contact with those friends having backstage support. Airsia, the daughter of rich merchant, appeared affectionate to Orville, but Orville concentrated all his mind into one thing-----to get married with this merchant prince and make some differences to his prestige. O论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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