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功能对等理念视域之英语新闻汉译分析 [3]

论文作者:论文格式论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-03编辑:lgg点击率:5602

论文字数:38120论文编号:org201308031051475827语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



ome scholars and theorists focused on equivalence in thel950s and 1960s.In fact,translators need to deal with culture transmission in the practice of translation. Thepragmatic school seems to have taken this particular aspect into account since it regardstranslation equivalence as being fundamentally a transmission of the message from sourcelanguage (SL) and culture to target language (TL) and culture. The pragmatic school isinclined to focus on pragmatic equivalence. So many scholars and theorists of this group tendto adopt a function-oriented approach in the practice of translation. Roman Jakobson putsforward the concept of "equivalence in difference,,. He holds that the source text can beswitched from one language to another, regardless of the grammatical, structural and culturaldifferences between the source text and the target text. Many different theories about theconcept of equivalence have been elaborated since 1950. During the past years, the concept ofequivalence has been analyzed, discussed and evaluated from different points of view. Thedevelopment of FE theory is based on the early opinions and concepts about equivalence. Ingeneral, the development ofNida's FE theory can be roughly divided into three stages.

Chapter Three Application of FE Theory to E-C Translation....... 36-66
    3.1 Equivalence at the Lexical Level....... 36-43
        3.1.1 Literal Translation .......37-38
        3.1.2 Free Translation .......38-40
        3.1.3 Transliteration....... 40
        3.1.4 Conversion of Word Types....... 40-41
        3.1.5 Non-translation .......41-43
    3.2 Equivalence at the Syntactic Level....... 43-48
        3.2.1 Translation in Original Order....... 43-44
        3.2.2 Reverse Translation .......44-46
        3.2.3 Division .......46-47
        3.2.4 Integrated Approach .......47-48
    3.3 Equivalence at the Rhetorical Level .......48-53
        3.3.1 Literal Translation .......49-50
        3.3.2 Free Translation....... 50-51
        3.3.3 Extension....... 51-53
    3.4 Equivalence at the Discourse Level....... 53-66
        3.4.1 Omission....... 53-56
        3.4.2 Addition....... 56-61
        3.4.3 Adjusting .......61-66


In this thesis, the author makes a tentative and systematic study on E-C translation ofnews under the guidance of Nida's FE theory. The thesis makes an analysis of the features ofEnglish news as well as the translation principles and methods for E-C translation of newsunder the guidance of FE theory. As a result, FE theory is proven to be feasible and applicablein guiding the translation of English news with a great many concrete examples. Serving asthe guiding theory, FE theory is very instruc论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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