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欧洲汽车市场分析 European car market

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2010-08-02编辑:vshellyn点击率:5241

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201008021331119786语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:CO2 average emissionsEuropean car marketanalysis

欧洲汽车市场分析 European car market

Europe is a world's major car producer. In order to limit carbon dioxide emissions the European Union issued a vehicle emission requirement. On December 19, 2007 the EU's new legislation to reduce CO2 emissions for new passenger cars will pose changes in the European car market. This article analyzes the influence of the market external environment in arriving, and competitive conditions within the enterprises, and follows the impact of policy on customer, demand, suppliers, and defines the status of competition, as well as potential new entrants and substitutes (Robert M. 2002). The article argues that the car market will be more highly competitive in the future because of  car costs and degree of difficulty for technical requirements increasing, while the European economy has not yet got rid of depression. A series of enterprise merger and acquisition events may happen to the European automotive industry. Some with the capability of technology advantage will occupy the Leading position in the world of automobile production.
Key words: CO2 average emissions, European car market

1. Introduction
Europe is a world's major car producer. The production of  total vehicle (passenger cars and commercial vehicles) were 15.24 million in 2009 in EU27. (Source: ACEA, AAA 2010).  According to the last ANFAC (Spanish Automobile Association) report on motor vehicles in use in the enlarged EU (February 2009 edition) the European vehicle fleet reached 251.5 million units in 2007, With the rapid development of automobile industry carbon,  car emissions have been rising rapidly. Compared with almost a third in the United States. Motor vehicles in the UN emissions about one-fifth of the EU’s total carbon dioxide emissions, Europe’s passenger vehicles alone were charged with around 12 percent of the EU’s carbon output. (Blau,J,2007)) Vehicle emission pollution has become a major source of air pollution and has been seriously endangering the health of human. Over the past two decades, Britain’s emissions of greenhouse gases had  risen by nearly 20 percent, rather than falling as the government claimed, they were Oxford University led by Dieter Helm, and two colleagues, Robin Smile and Jonathan Phillips to tell (Xinhua, 2007). Environmental protection has aroused more and more attention to UN, as well as the world. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet its about Kyoto Protocol targets. In 2007 the new proposal put by EU about car emissions standards was on the table. The new proposal demanded that the average new passenger cars would achieve 120 grams per kilometer from 2012 onward.
Searching for the car development opportunities, from this century, the international Automobile industry have been two major transfers. Firstly, 20s in the 20th century in America, Ford invented the Model T to form a revolutionary automobile industry, the automotive industry from the seed of Europe to North America. Secondly,  70s in the 20th century  oil crisis broke out, the Japanese cars which waited so long entered  the U.S. market with its small, fuel-efficient , inexpensive features, In 1980  the annual output of Japanese cars was more 11.04 million  than of  United States’ , that shocked the world. (Ansheng, et, al,. 2004)  Now, the cars are pushing on to green, low-emission and fuel-efficient trend,  what will happen to the automo论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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