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Literature Review :分析奖励策略的基本原则 [8]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:文献综述 Literature Review登出时间:2017-07-10编辑:cinq点击率:15228

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201707101323527260语种:中文 Chinese地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Literature Review文献综述留学生论文

摘要:本文是留学生论文Literature Review 文献综述范文,主要内容是通过大量学者的相关文献检索,对奖励策略的基本原则进行整理与分析。

highly individualistic and is either determined by intrinsic or extrinsic factors. According to Maslow human beings are motivated by different motivators at each stage of there life. Maslow presented a Hierarchy model of motivation which consisted of Physiological needs at the lowest point, next was the safety needs, then love needs, esteem needs and finally the highest needs was the self actualization needs as depicted in Figure 2.4 below. By Managers understanding the physiological, safely, love, esteem and self actualization needs, they can therefore appeal to the individual employee's present needs in life therefore motivating them.

Douglas Mc Gregor (1960) has identified the theory X and theory Y worker, this theory differs significantly to Maslow (1943) theory in that Maslow's theory focuses on the needs of individuals, while Mc Gregor's theory focused on the behaviour of employees at work. According to Mc Gregor the theory X worker has an natural dislike for work and will avoid it at any time possible on the other hand the theory Y worker as conductive to problem solving techniques and given the opportunity will not only take but desire responsibility. In order for mangers to put theory Y worker into practice they must use the four basic aspects of the theory Y worker, they are: -

1. Decentralization and Delegation - this would give employees a sense of freedom to act.

2. Job Enlargement - this would encourage employees to accept responsibilities.

3. Participation and Consultation Management - this would allow employees to voice there opinions of matters affecting them and encourage creativity.

Performance Appraisal - this should be done to assess management abilities.

Frederick Herzberg presented a theory similar to Mc Gregor, which focused on the needs of employees at work, Herzberg presented a two factor theory that identified two sets of needs of individuals at work the need to avoid pain and discomfort and the need to develop Psychologically, he identified two areas that are of concern to the organization, first was hygiene factors such as job security, working condition, status and administrative concerns, the second area of concern to mangers was motivators; recognition from supervisors, the opportunity for growth and advancement, if managers were able to avoid pain and discomfort such are by fostering good employees relations, providing safe and comfortable working conditions, managers will be able to motivate employees. However, this study gives little insight into how managers can motivate manual or unskilled workers.

Adams (1965) brought forward the Equity theory of motivation, this theory of motivation differs significantly as it attempts to show how individuals determine the amount of effort that needs to be exerted. According to Adams an employee desires to be treated fairly by the organization, they wish to be treated fairly compared to others and to avoid inequity. Employees evaluate rewards by a comparison with others, if an employee perceives his contribution to be the same as the person they compare themselves with (referent) then a state of equity is perceived, if an employee however sees there self as being unequal, a state of 'inequity' arises. In the context of the studies Bartol and Martin (1998, p. 397) states that equity theory is 'a theory that argues that we prefer situations of balance, or equity,论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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