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美国留学scholarship essay 有关“亚文化”现象的学术探讨 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2014-11-21编辑:Cinderella点击率:5215

论文字数:2531论文编号:org201411202040599470语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:subculturessocial divisions亚文化留学生论文


the media.


Categories are needed to identify us and when we are born into this world we are born into a way of life dictated to us by our parents. It is when you reach a certain age when you break away unless you take pride in what you are apart of. Situations out of our reach shape who and what we become, such is the story in south central LA. Change is inevitable amongst young people at an adolescent age, but they gain a negative image, because we associate subcultures with different things. I believe subcultures are created without actually knowing we are apart of it, fans of a certain type of music are apart of that culture for example.


Chicago during the 1930s had several sub cultural groups who were moving into urban areas, (Irish, Italian etc). These European groups formed their own communities which produced alienated communities; they establish their own communities, such as Southall and Brixton, within England. As again with the L.A. Crips, they have their ghetto. “Urban” villages create own way of life.


It was argued that working class kids are socialised into understanding their lives are set by the working class which leads to them not taking school seriously. As with females who are conformed into their feminine roles the working class young males reject school discipline. Their dads were graft workers and associated it with masculinity. They are actively involved to make their own life. And see no way out of it, it is their inevitable future. They reject school and any potential that could change their lives. As I had stated before, parents dictate our life when we are born, and working class boys have but no choice to follow suit of their father.


Other things to consider with regards to this chapter are that of moral panics, the idea of style, and the idea of gender and also the race topic. When teenagers reach a certain age, they develop new styles, with regards to their appearances and ideologies. This is generated mainly through music, which creates diversion amongst people. When people don’t understand change, they are quick to criticize, which eventfully leads to moral panics.


Individuals are taught to behave a certain way and are not aware of it, it’s a set of rules we take for granted. We are socialised into gender identity. There are also individuals, mainly females who are pressured to conform to certain ways of behaviour, the requirements are dictated. Young females especially those who conform to their parent’s dictatorship in my opinion are afraid to break away from that mould. “Working class girls are taught to look forward to a feminine career in the home.” (Mcrobbie A : 1991 : p45). They take for granted their role in society from their gender. In fairness they aren’t given a choice much to their parents failure to offer. For when we see females take on male characteristics we are shocked, the idea of role reversal seems laughable as we are accustomed to accept gender roles in society.论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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