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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-10编辑:yangcheng点击率:2920

论文字数:1317论文编号:org201309101250459426语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




Our country is a multi-religious country . Our main religious believers believe in Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism . According to incomplete statistics , China's existing religious believers and l million people , 85,000 sites for religious activities , religious personnel of about 30 million people, over 3,000 religious organizations . Religious groups also do a train clergy religious institutions 74 .


Conduct religious autonomy of religious groups , and if necessary set up religious schools , printing and distribution of religious texts , publishing religious publications , and run social service careers. Like many countries, China and the world , the implementation of the principle of separation of religion and education in the national education , no religious education students . Some universities and research institutions to carry out research and teaching religion . In various religious schools run by religious organizations , according to the need for religious teaching professional education . Religious personnel to fulfill the normal academic activities in religious activities and religious practices in the believers' own at home for all normal religious activities such as worship , chanting , worship , prayer, preaching , sermons , Mass, baptized , ordained , fasting, religious festivals , extreme unction , memorial ceremonies, are religious organizations and believers themselves are protected by law , no person shall interfere.


In the long history of development, China has become the religion and culture as part of traditional Chinese thought and culture . Our religions have traditions of patriotism . My Government supports and encourages the religious circles to unite the religious believers to actively participate in nation building .

 In China, all religions have equal status , harmony , no religious strife ; Religious believers and non-believers respect each other , unity and harmony .

Our religion has a " five " of the basic characteristics , namely: mass , national , international, complex and protracted nature .

Mass : China has a variety of religions coexist, each religion has a considerable number of religious people .
Nationality : mainly refers to Buddhism, Islam has a wide range of many peoples beliefs . There are 16 national minorities in most or part of the beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism or Pali Buddhism , there are 10 ethnic majority of the people are Muslims . The production of these minority religious life and all aspects of social activity has a profound impact .

 International : China 's Buddhism, Islam , Catholicism , Christianity by foreign incoming , these religions are world religions , occupies an important position in the international arena . Since reform and opening , religious increasing international exchanges , which is conducive to unity and world peace-loving forces of progress , there is conducive to economic, technological and cultural exchanges , accelerate China's socialist mod论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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