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留学生艺术类英语硕士论文;The Relationship between Clothing and Person's Personalities ---Analysis on Characters of The War at Red Cliff

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2011-06-13编辑:anterran点击率:4704

论文字数:2217论文编号:org201106131049115577语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


The Relationship between Clothing and Person's Personalities ---Analysis on Characters of The War at Red Cliff


1.1 Background
Clothing in literary and artistic works refers to the characters’ dresses in books or dramas. Clothing has its own distinctive features, 留学生艺术类英语硕士论文that is, to lay out the story, convey emotion, contrast the atmosphere to create a scenario, highlight the theme and atmosphere based on the story to highlight the personalities of characters’ and make the characters of the drama even more vivid. At the same time, clothing can also be in full bloom with its own unique characters. Through the clothing that we can understand the historical period of life, status and even personalities of the character (Sun Qinguo, 2008). Among many literary works in recent years, the ancient masterpiece once again draw the attention of a wide audiences’. It is not difficult to see that it is related to China’s long, ancient history, a wide range of material of stories, as well as many people’s favorite in the history and culture. The performance and creation of the characters and the character are important and indispensable parts in the works. In the process of writing the famous ancient works, clothing has added a strong oil to the classic art with its rich historical and cultural connotation, exquisite design and unique shape. Well, how the author of classic works make use of this point to serve the creation of works better lies in that, the authors through the elements of clothing, such as clothing styles, colors and design, and some design and creative way to express the clothing and the personality of the characters’, reflecting people's own temperament, psychology, personality and status, etc, through clothing design to make the personality of the characters’ shaped in the works more prominent and clear (Sun Ting, 2008).
The War at Red Cliff is one of the most famous scene of The Three Kingdoms, the plot and story it described has been talked about by people for thousands of years, several well-known characters have been respected or reviled for their unique personality and personal charisma. It can be said that the description of characters in The War at Red Cliff in Three Kingdoms has been very successful, the following are some of the most famous characters:
Zhuge Liang: Zhuge Liang's capability of ruling the army and serving people, as well as his modesty and prudence has set an example for variety of distinguished historical figures. He was on behalf of the embodiment of wisdom and loyalty (Tan Xiaoyang, 2005).
1.2 Objective
1.3 Methodology
2.1 Schedule
2.2 Research
2.3 Analysis
2.4 Design
2.4.1 design for literature review
2.4.2 design for comparative study

Chen Shaotang 2007, Evaluation of Key Roles in Three Kingdoms, China's Full-text Database of Outstanding Master's Degree Thesis, 2007, (04).
Li Jingwen 1992, Analysis on Image of Zhou Yu in Three Kingdoms, Jilin Normal University Journal(Humanities and Social Science Edition).
Liu Haiyan 2002, The Evolution of the History of Worship of Guan Yu and the Image, China's Full-text Database of Outstanding Master's Degree Thesis, 2002, (02).
Qin Wei, 2000, Social Science Research Methods, Chengdu: Sichuan People's Publishing House.
Sun Qinguo 2008, Changes of Aesthetic Values of Chinese Clothing, China's Full-text Database of Outstanding Ma论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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