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初一学生模糊容忍度与英语成绩相关性研究 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-10-05编辑:lgg点击率:5027

论文字数:38596论文编号:org201709292031219080语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



t braindomains logic and intelligence as well as most of the language functions, while the right brainis associated with society and emotion. Some scholars believe that both of two brainscomplement each other before the brain finish the differentiation. Taking language function asan example, a child hurts the left brain, but it doesn’t mean the language function disappear.The right brain will replace the left so that the child can still get the language ability. Butunfortunately, this advantage only happens to children, and for adults, they will lost theirlanguage competence once the left brain get hurt. Lenneberg (1967) shares the same view ondifferentiation of brain.

3. Research Method.... 16
3.1 Research Questions............16
3.2 Participants.....16
3.3 Instruments.....17
3.4 Data Collection and Analysis.......18
4. Results and Discussion..... 19
4.1 Characteristics of TOA of the Junior and Senior High School Students........... 19
4.2 Tolerance of Ambiguity and English Achievements............24
4.2.1 Description of TOA Scores of the Junior High School Students............24
4.2.2 TOA and English Achievements...........26
4.2.3 TOA Level and English Skills Achievements............27
5. Conclusion.... 30
5.1 Major Findings of the Study........ 30
5.2 Implications of the Study.............31
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions of this Study...... 34

4. Results and Discussion

In this chapter, the results and discussion are clarified based on the data analyses bySPSS17.0 which include the following ways. Firstly, the overall descriptions of TOA from thedifferent subjects are explained and compared in detail; secondly, the correlation relationshipof TOA and the participants’ English achievements are presented; thirdly, in order to find therelationship between TOA and single language skill respectively, the correlation analysis ofTOA and language skills are conducted and well stated. All of the analyses are presented byexplanations and discussions. At last, by these analyses, a couple of main findings can beobtained so that the research questions put forward before can be answered.4.1 Characteristics of TOA of the Junior and Senior High School Students

4.1.1 TOA Levels of the Junior and Senior High School Students

From the above table, it is clearly shown that there are 282 valid participants. All thescore of participants ranges from 12 to 45 and the Mean, that is the average score, is 32.93.And besides the two mentioned before, there is another one, and that is the standard deviationwhich is 4.905.This table gives a detailed description of TOA of the senior high school students ofwhich the number is 234. The maximum and minimum of the score are 25 and 52, the meanof it is 35.32 and the standard deviation is 5.010. As mentioned before, there are 12 items ineach questionnaire and the single score of each item ranges 1 to 5. In other words, the totalscore of each student ranges from 12 to 60. And because of the answers to each item arerecoded, the higher the scores of students are, the higher their TOA levels are. That is to say,the lowest scores 12 and 25 present that their TOA levels are low, while the highest scores 45and 52 present the highest levels of TOA.From these two tables, it can be easily seen that both the junior and senior high schoolstudents hav论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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