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从互动角度论述英语课堂教师语言特性thesis [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-07-15编辑:lgg点击率:4017

论文字数:38600论文编号:org201407151140284150语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是英语毕业论文。老师的课堂讲述对班级全体学生学习都非常重要的,特别是在EFL学习中。 especially in the EFL classes,for in which teacher talk is not only the learning objective of the course, but also themedia to achieve the objective.

speakers)using to communicate with students (non-native speakers). Here in China, most ofteachers of foreign language classes are Chinese native speakers. So,the differencesbetween teacher talk and foreigner talk should be mentioned and understood especiallyin foreign language classes. So far, some of the easily confused understandings of thedefinition have been given to the readers. Since the focus of this thesis is on the featuresof teacher talk in EFL classes, the definition of teacher talk is referred to the following:the language that the teacher uses to organize and undertake the tasks in English asforeign language teaching classes, including English mainly and mother language of theteachers.

2.2 Theoretical Foundations
In the context of language acquisition, input refers to samples of language thatlearners are exposed to in a communicative context or setting (Wong, 2005). Scholars insecond language acquisition are in agreement that input is one of the fiandamental tolanguage acquisition. According to Che (2006),input provides the linguistic data that adeveloping linguistic system needs in order for acquisition to be possible. Whenlearners receive input, they are feeding their developing linguistic system the data itneeds to start the process of acquisition. Without input, successful language acquisitioncannot happen.Among the linguists who emphasize the importance of input, Krashen deserves tobe mentioned, for he made a significant contribution to the field of second languageacquisition by understanding the significant role of input in language acquisition.According to his Input Hypothesis, Krashen (1981) claims that the way for secondlanguage learner to make progress~to move from one stage to a higher stage~is to getadequate comprehensible second language input. Krashen (1985) states: "Humanacquire language in only one way~by understanding messages, or by receiving'comprehensible input,…We move from i,our current level, to i+1,the next level alongthe natural order, by understanding input containing i+1.”

Chapter 3 Research Methodology......... 10
3.1 Research Participants....... 10
3.2 Instruments....... 10
33 Data Collection and Analysis .......10
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion....... 12
4.1 Results of Teacher ....... 12
4.1.1 General Features of Teacher Question....... 12
4.1.2 Problems of Teacher Question....... 16
4.2 Results of Teacher Feedback....... 19
4.3 Results of Interactional Modification and Negotiation....... 27
4.4 Summary.......27
Chapter 5 Conclusion .......32
5.1 Summary of Major Findings....... 32
5.2 Conclusions .......33
5.3 The Pedagogical Implications .......33
5.4 Limitations of the Present Research....... 34
5.5 Suggestions for Further Research....... 35

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Results of Teacher Question
Teacher question is a prominent feature of classroom talk. A major part ofclassroom interaction is generated by question and answer exchange between teachersand students. Teacher question is an important aspect of classroom interaction, whichhas a significant r论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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