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英语专业学者书面语认知情态语际语语用分析 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-17编辑:lgg点击率:4503

论文字数:38120论文编号:org201308171530034581语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



with other area of SL
Aresearch, the investigation of development is carried out through cross-sectional orlongitudinal studies and ideally includes beginners through advanced learners. In contrast,the comparative studies are often single-moment studies (Rose, 2000). The number oflongitudinal studies compares favorably to the number of cross-sectional studies done inthe same period. Following Kasper and Schmidt (1996), an acquisitional research agenda inILP would investigate two essential areas: changes within the L2 pragmatic system andinfluences on that system (Bardovi-Harlig, 1999: 681), and basically tackling two learningobjects: various aspects of pragmatic and discourse ability, and speech acts (Kasper & Rose,2002).Considering pragmatics as the central object of inquiry, ILP studies have a tendencyto isolate pragmatics from other areas of linguistic competence. An alternative approach todelineating pragmatic development has been suggested by Bardovi-Harlig (1999), who hasattempted to relate pragmatics to other aspects of communicative competence, especiallythrough research on the relationship between grammatical and pragmatic development.Specifically, she advocates research that focuses on a set of grammatical items and theirpragmalinguistic functions. In a similar vain, Geyer (2007) and Cho (2003) all state, inorder to more fully account for learners  holistic pragmatic competence, it is necessary towiden the scope of analysis beyond the speech act level and to include other linguisticelements as well.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

The purposes of this chapter are to situate epistemic modality within the domain ofinterlanguage pragmatics, to establish a basis of knowledge on epistemic modality, toreview representative studies in this field, and to select an analytical framework. There arefour sections in this chapter. The first section presents concepts and theories relating to thedevelopment of pragmatic competence in an L2. The second section deals with thedefinitions, classifications and realizations of epistemic modality, as well as pragmatic andfunctional approaches to epistemic modality. The third section reviews previous empiricalresearch on the use and development of competence using epistemic devices in an L2. Andthe fourth section comments on the existing theories and approaches to epistemic modalityin ILP, as well as the drawbacks and inadequacies of the empirical studies.

2.1 Pragmatic competence and second/foreign language (L2)learning
In this section, the review will be centered on defining the notions of communicativecompetence, pragmatic competence and interlanguage pragmatics. Several key theoreticalsources that have proven fruitful in explaining development of L2 pragmatic competencewill also be addressed.

2.1.1 Pragmatic competence
Since it is the growth in interest in communicative competence which eventuallytriggers research into pragmatic competence, it is necessary to deal briefly with the broadernotion of communicative competence first, and then reach the subconcept – pragmaticcompetence.

Chapter 3 Methodology ............78-96
    3.1 Research questions.........78-79
    3.2 Corpora and instruments.........79-85
    3.3 A classification scheme of epistemic devices......... 85-91


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