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澳洲留学assignment 空中客车集团的文化多样性背景研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2014-11-20编辑:Cinderella点击率:8456

论文字数:3219论文编号:org201411192111476234语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文



an intercultural survey at EADS, which portrays the different perception that each culture at Airbus has for others.


The remarkable thing about these perceptions is that they are highly stereotypes.


Problems Faced by Airbus

Socio-cultural & technical problems.

The workforce at the aircraft manufacturer is geographically distributed in proportion to national ownership stakes. In an instance of economic nationalism, government distort private transactions among economic actors by discriminating against foreigners in the name of national interest. This lead to the decrease in the productive efficiency. It is because of the various differences of management styles and way of communication. For e.g.: comparing with the French people, the Germans prefer collective decision making, whereas the French prefer centralised decision. At the same time the Spanish are flexible but have inferiority complex, so they have tendency to be vague and unreliable due to which they respond very less. (Ian Stokes, 2006).

The main problem is when EADS company of Airbus was created, two chief executives German and French headed it. It was maintained even due to knowing the fact of the crisis caused by problems in development in A380 began. Looking from the Hofstedes cultural dimensions the French likes high power distance whereas the Germans prefer low power distance. So while making decisions Germans tend to interfere in the conversations while it is being dislike by France people. So this unintentionally hurt the ego's of the French people and creates a conflict between them. (Hofstede. G, 1991) 

Due to the government involvement respective countries, cost cutting measures were delayed as state aid comes to rescue their respective partner first. From this situation it seems that power id distributed unequally. The government is being self centred and looking after its own motives. Even no action id being undertaken by the group members of the company in order to tackle this issue. It is in this area that a culture shows the extent to which it ‘tolerates and fosters pecking orders, and how actively members try to reduce them'. (Mead, 1994; 66) 

One of the main causes in delay of the launch of Airbus A380 for two years was owing to the fact of having a complex wiring design system for it.

There were 1,200 functions to control the plane that takes 98,000 wires & 40,000 connectors. The system has 500,000 models, which needs to be kept in sync from different countries. It was complicated and very much time consuming due the fact of the engineers being at different locations.


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