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Creat music by yourself [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2010-06-10编辑:vshellyn点击率:7367

论文字数:1200论文编号:org201006101456175924语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:musicModern Music Composition

Understanding music, therefore, does indeed require a general-knowledge in the field of music. Composing music, however, requires just a little more knowledge than that would be required of a person who, for example, would like to learn how to play a musical instrument. Composing requires the knowledge of many musical terms and notations. These terms include: dynamics, harmonics, note-values and rendition. This means, for example, if you would like to write even a small piece of music, you would almost certainly have to include all the notation and terms you would for a much larger composition. Music composition can be compared to a pyramid. If you do not have the building-block support on the bottom of the pyramid, the pyramid will collapse. The same applies for music. If you do not have the basics on the bottom, you will not be able to move onto the next level without the whole thing collapsing. So, you can see that the basics are what make the whole thing work.

The third key-point is general-insight. The general-insight is the intuition that is put into a piece of music. The general-insight can be defined as the wisdom that you put into the making of piece of music. Just as you cannot throw together a three-course meal, you cannot just throw together a composition. The time you put into a piece of music must be productive and well thought through. The difference between a well-thought piece and one that has not been thought through is the difference between living rich and living poor, respectively.

A perfect combination of all the proceeding fundamentals will give you a perfect piece of music. The degree at which you actually make the music is completely up to you. After coming up with the idea of the music and after you have learned all the required information there are a couple more things you may have to be concerned about. You have to, for one, select the level, or degree at which you will compose the music. There are several different degrees at which you can make the music. You can make it very easy so that anyone could play or you could make it very complex so that only a select few would be able to comprehend it. It is very important to compose at the level at which you want the player(s) to perform at. If you misjudge the ability level of a certain group you could have just composed a piece of music that will probably not be played as often as it would be if that particular group had a composition of its own caliber. So, as you can see, it is also very important to take into consideration the ability, or level at which the group you are composing.

Through the years, many composes have accomplished all of the proceeding abilities. These composers, for the most part, did not learn music so quickly. It takes time, just as everything else does. In the end, they, for the most part, became very famous. Even the most basic composition, if produced correctly, can bring great satisfaction. Not to mention, it can bring great wealth. If a composer chooses the wrong level at which he or she would like to compose the piece of music, he or she could be making a total-career choice. For, whenever he or she makes a piece music, they are deciding to let the world see his or her composing stature. So, as you can see, it is very important to compose on the level at which you would like the piece to be performed.

In conclusion, composing music is not for everyone but is not restricted to an elite few. It is论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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