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中国中小企业集群特点与可持续发展问题研究-The Characteristics and Problems of SME Cluster of China [2]

论文作者:毕业论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2011-06-26编辑:anterran点击率:5738

论文字数:11012论文编号:org201106260908467451语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 44

关键词:industrial clusterSMEcharacteristicssustainable development可持续发展中小企业集群代写留学生企业问题研究论文

摘要:本文是阐述企业问题研究方面的英文论文-中国中小企业集群特点与可持续发展问题研究(The Characteristics and Problems of SME industrial cluster of China -sustainable development)

ood processing cluster of Luohe city ofHenan province
2008 International Seminar on Business and Information Management
978-0-7695-3560-9/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/ISBIM.2008.57
Authorized licensed use limited to: TONGJI UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on April 16,2010 at 17:39:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

(4) Some local governments have wrong perception.How to drive the development of industrial cluster and
local economy is the main function of government, but somelocal governments have wrong perception. For instance,some governments one after another enclosed land andinvited businessmen to open companies though all kinds of
favorable policies, exactly speaking, some governments took“building up nests to attract phoenixes” as the main functionof developing industrial cluster or industrial gardens. On theanother hand, some local governments were empty ofthorough planning and effective action in designing theindustrial structure of industrial cluster based on local
characteristics, constructing agency service system, andestablishing labor educational training organization and so
on. Consequently, due to lacking general programming ofregional development, the program level of single industrialcluster was discounted, over competition among differentclusters was very serious, and the development of economy
wasn’t according with the development of society,environment, and ecology.
In a word, the key of SME industrial cluster of China ishow to raise the innovation ability and competiveness of
industrial cluster. At present, the quantity of variousindustrial clusters is about several thousands, but most ofthem exist in traditional industries, such as textile, silk,sewing clothing, manufacturing shoes, motorcar accessories,
and hardware. Therefore, firstly, this paper suggests localgovernment should well integrate native resource to not only
make the local characteristic material resource become thefoundation of the development of industrial cluster, but also
integrate local particular historical, social, and culturalresource into the characteristics of industrial cluster, whichis the key to resolve the problems of industrialreconstruction and over competition of domestic industrialcluster. Secondly, local government should actively cultivate
a patch of enterprisers with innovation spirit, set down andcarry out the industrial criterion, bring up the industrial
operational atmosphere with self-discipline and good faith,and restrict the over competition between enterprises,
especially unfettered fraudulent copy and cut-throat pricecompetition. Thirdly, local government should establish thebridge between enterprises and agency service institution,including scientific and technical service institution,
educational and training institutions, enhance the division oflabor in cluster, and reinforce the transverse connection
between related industries and supporting industries to form
the social base of innovation cluster. Besides, all levels
governments should correctly fix their function and positionin the development of industrial cluster, substitute complete,scientific, and feasible industrial cluster policies for singleindustrial layout arrangement.


[1] Wang Liping, “Research on Chinese Textile Industry ClustersStrategy,” Future and Development, no. 11, pp. 8-12, 2006.
[2] Lu Deyin, Wang Xichun, 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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