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故事教学法在农村地区小学英语词汇教学中的推广思考 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2022-06-06编辑:vicky点击率:1371

论文字数:论文编号:org202205260934459568语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44



chieve more ideal results.However, the application of the storytelling teaching method in classroom teachinghas been stuck at the theoretical level rather than be put into practice.

British educator Andrew Wright (1995) mentions in his book that stories arechildren’s friends with whom children can share their inner world. The story-teachingmethod has the attractiveness to have students interact as listeners or storytellers.Then, Wright (1995) states that the story-teaching method has been applied in the classroom in Florida, where teachers integrated the knowledge they had taught intointeresting stories, which provided an interesting learning atmosphere for students.

American scholar Davies (2007) proposes the story-centered curriculum askingstudents to work independently in a real context and to center the curriculum onreality. This is the first time that story teaching and classroom practice have beenintegrated. Morgan & Rinvolucri (2012) insist on the opinion that the story-teachingmethod kindles students’ enthusiasm in class, and teachers drive students to easilyunderstand by writing some interesting and close-to-life stories. During the class, thestudents are divided into groups as needed. In group work, they share what they havelearned from the story. In classroom teaching, the story-teaching method has bornsome tangible results, through the creation of interesting story plots, from whichstudents’ interest in learning has been improved.


Chapter III The Design of the Experimental Research........................18

3.1 Research Questions....................... 18

3.2 Subjects..................................18

Chapter IV Results and Discussions............................26

4.1 Data Analysis of Questionnaire................ 25

4.1.1 Comparison and Analysis of the Questionnaire in EC andCC before Experiment.............26

4.1.2 Comparison and Analysis of the Questionnaire in EC andCC after Experiment..................26

Chapter V Conclusion........................... 32

5.1 Research Findings................................. 32

5.2 Reflections...........................33

Chapter IV Results and Discussions

4.1 Data Analysis of the Questionnaire

4.1.1 Comparison and Analysis of the Questionnaire in EC and CCbefore Experiment

Through the independent sample t test, the following conclusion can be drawn:before the experiment, there is no significant difference between the two groups in thedimension of content characteristic (t=0.10, p>0.05). Before the experiment, there isno significant difference between the two groups in the dimension of psychologicalorientation (t=0.84, p>0.05). Before the experiment, there is no significant differencebetween the two groups in the dimension of personal experience (t=0.28, p>0.05).Therefore, there is no significant difference in the previous test, indicating that thedata can be analyzed in the next step.


In conclusion, it can be safely known that the students have no significantdifference before the experiment in terms of interest in English vocabulary learning.


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