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代写assignment、essay专题指导-最全面的论文写作精要-Preparation-Graduate Statement Themes-Sample Essay-Essay Structures-Style and Tone-Intros and Conclusions-Editing and Revising [14]


论文字数:10241论文编号:org201108231322449721语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

关键词:代写assignment代写essay专题指导最全面的论文写作精要Graduate Statement ThemesSample EssayEssay Structures NowStyle and ToneIntros and ConclusionsEditing and Revising

摘要:代写assignment、essay专题指导-最全面的论文写作精要- Preparation -Graduate Statement Themes-Sample Essay-Essay Structures-Style and Tone-Intros and Conclusions-Editing and Revising

nt, I still desire to help others who are not so fortunate. Providing
health care to 44 million uninsured Americans, while keeping insurance affordable, is one of
the most difficult challenges facing policymakers. I want to work in state or local government to
resolve this health care crisis and ensure that the disadvantaged get the care they need and
In order to succeed in my endeavors toward public service, I now realize that a master's
degree in public policy is essential. But when I graduated from college in 1990, I didn't know
how to continue my education, only that I should. For a while, I considered such options as law
school or international relations, but I always returned to my desire to impact public life. My
career in public policy began as a legislative assistant at the American Legislative Exchange
Council (ALEC), a non-profit educational organization that couples voices from the state
legislature and the private sector to work on salient policy issues. My enthusiasm for ALEC's
mission was evident, as I quickly moved up from legislative assistant to the director of two task
forces. As manager of ALEC's task force on federalism and its tax and fiscal policy task force, I
explored these issues thoroughly, never quite satiating my appetite for more information and
knowledge. I found my integral role in the legislative process to be the most valuable and
worthwhile experience I've had in my career to date.
Following ALEC, I took a position as a junior lobbyist for the Automotive Parts and Accessories
Association (APAA). As a lobbyist, I voiced the APAA's concern over regulatory and
environmental issues affecting the automotive aftermarket. Although I was able to help small
automotive parts manufacturers battle the "Big Three" automakers, I quickly realized that
being an advocate for the automotive aftermarket was not my calling in life. I wanted to
promote policies which had the potential to improve life for the greater public, for I could not
see myself spending a lifetime working within an isolated industry.
With that frame of mind, I accepted employment as a policy analyst in the National Federation
of Independent Business (NFIB) research department in Washington, D.C. Helping small
business owners is a cause close to my heart. For nearly 30 years, my family has owned a
barbecue restaurant in the Washington, D.C. area. I've worked in the business at several
different times, since the age of 14. Because of my involvement in my family's business, I
understand the unique problems facing small business owners. At the NFIB, I valued my
contributions because I know small businesses have a huge economic impact on our country
and they are unquestionably an important constituency. Nevertheless, I felt uncomfortable
working for a special interest group--even for one I deeply cared about.
From my experiences at the APAA and the NFIB, I have learned how I want to shape my future.
My goals are now clear: I want to develop and advocate policy decisions that will benefit
society as a whole, not just a few influential special interest groups. I want to uncover the
objective truth of issues and tackle them in the best interests of the nation, not distort the facts
for the benefit of a small group. I know I am able to look beyond partisan politics to solve
problems for this country. Because of these unbending desires to 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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