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文献综述:对经济影响的研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:文献综述 Literature Review登出时间:2015-11-03编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:34157

论文字数:15302论文编号:org201511022306177278语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



onduct economic impact studies of sport events and Firstly, because many sport events in our communities were financed by public tax support, economic impact studies continue to be an important public relations tool for city government. Secondly, there is doubt that sporting events may actually help develop a community in relative to its economy therefore, accurate estimates should be proposed and the results should be reported to community members and Thirdly, as sport is not just an entertainment but an industry so the results of economic impact may be a cornerstone to develop many related businesses in communities. Finally, positive or negative economic results of sport events may be an important method to determine communities' draft budget for the coming year so as an example in July of 2001, Beijing was awarded the 2008 Summer Olympic Games so most people assume that such an event will bring enormous economic benefits to the host city not just during the event, but for years afterward. 'The scale of the organization, facilities and infrastructure required for such a huge undertaking are such that the Games cannot but have substantial economic effects' (Sydney 2000 Games, p 2) but what exactly are these economic effects, and how do they affect the quality of life of local residents?

The relevance of studies for example, it seems logical that a less developed country will have more to gain from long term growth opportunities. Matheson and Baade (2003) argue, however, that the prospects of mega-sporting events are even worse for developing countries and the opportunity costs of providing state of the art facilities are much higher and lack of modern infrastructure requires significant additional investment.

This report examines the wider benefits that move beyond the economic impact and proffers the adoption of the 'balanced scorecard' approach to event evaluation. Moreover, the data from the past economic impact studies were used to produce an economic impact forecasting model designed to predict the economic impact attributable to an event prior to it taking place.

This Research have been developed by undertaking wider evaluations of some of the events, for example, the 1998 European Short Course Swimming, 1999 European Show Jumping and the 2001 World Half Marathon Championships. Beyond the economic impact generated by an event, these wider evaluations have also examined the public profile achieved by the events and looked in particular at the media value associated with television coverage and place marketing effects linked to such coverage.

This Report also provides additional analysis which helps to put IPL event into context by:
 Outlining the generic economic benefits and return on investment to a country's economy of hosting a major event such as IPL.
 Profiling IPL and comparing it to other similar international events in respect of the key elements underpinning economic impact.
 Identifying regional factors and drivers that may affect the economic impact of IPL in different regions
 Outlining the possible contribution to a Host Nation's Government via taxation, as a result of hosting IPL, investment and cost associated with IPL.
文献综述对经济影响的研究——Literature Review on Economic Impact Studies


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