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Teaching Strategies of Oral Class Interaction [6]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-16编辑:黄丽樱点击率:64668

论文字数:24157论文编号:org200904162137476813语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Teaching StrategiesOral Class InteractionA Survey Study on VariouscommunicationMethod

pragmatic competence). Chapter Three explores the nature and features of Communicative Language Teaching. CLT gives more emphasis on creating realistic language situations, on offering learners opportunities to use English. Therefore, to apply CLT in oral class interaction will certainly help to foster learners' ability to use language. Chapter Four is mainly about that, to cultivate learners' communicative competence, first of all, there must be a communicative environment. Thus, it is the teacher's major responsibility to create a communicative settling in oral class interaction. The teacher has to change his idea about teacher-centered method, so that he can act as a manager and facilitator. Teacher talking has great effect on learners' output. To make good use of teacher talking time, the teacher should focus. on the quality rather than the quality. Therefore, in oral class interaction, the teacher should focus on creating a realistic communicative environment and strengthening' comprehensible input. Chapter Five demonstrates the importance of creating a pleasant productive environment from the perspective of psycholinguistics so as to motivate learners to participate in oral class interaction. First, the teacher should甸to give learners open questions rather than closed questions. Second, the teacher should use learner-centered method so that he can offer learners sufficient opportunities to use language in interaction. This is beneficial to learners' language production. Third, it is important for the teacher to give learners more positive feedback in interaction. The teacher's attitude to learners' errors and mistakes in communication influence learners' output greatly. Chapter Six discusses about the forms and functions of communicative activities. The purpose of oral class interaction is to motivate learners to use language .through communication. The realization of the goal lies in whether the activities are learner- centred, whether these activities exist information gap, and whether the activities are helpful to improve learners' ability to exchange information. Chapter Seven summarizes the dissertation. The author points out that CLT and Teaching Strategies of Oral Ckrss Interaction Krashen's acquisition theory, input and output theory and his affective filter hypothesis are workable in oral class interaction. If the teacher wants to foster learners' communicative competence, he must create a relaxed and pleasant communicative atmosphere, and focus on learner-centered method. In language teaching, different courses and different situations require different methods, different activities and different strategies. CHAPTER了WO The Objectives of Language Teaching in Oral Class 2.1, The Goal of Language Teaching According to the Chinese English Teaching Syllabus for English majors at the foundation stage (1990: 13), the goal of spoken English should reach: (1) Learners should be able to read and talk naturally. (2) Learnaers should be capable of using the basic words to communicate flexibly and correctly (3) Learners should be able to make comprehensive use of grammatical knowledge correctly (4) Learners should be able to express the given function in English. (5) Learners should be able to communicate appropriately in specific situations. Based on the requirements of the syllabus, it is necessary that teachers of English oral class adop论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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