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英语教学中全方位语言输出有效方式的探讨 [8]

论文作者:英语坊论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-03-31编辑:黄丽樱点击率:23724

论文字数:10468论文编号:org200903312019179276语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:translationnew developments were madetranslation studiesdevelopmentsrepresentative books

heory Pierce, The book to have a "complementary" or complementary theories in the paper, including Wittgenstein's philosophy of language. Walter Benjamin's theory of language and translation of the Roman Jacobsen of the three theories. Semiotics theories in translation theory and the role of a bridge between some plays. The central theme of the book can be briefly summarized in a sentence : Symbol explained the process of translation (translation is semiosis). Symbol explained the process (semiosis) involves three factors : symbols, symbols of the material referred to. Symbols of the symbols (interpretant). "Symbol explained," we explained in the original elaborate symbols, their minds that a new symbol. Symbol explained the process is open and infinite nature. The first interpretation in the interpretation of a symbol, on the formation of a new interpretation of symbols. The second interpretation of those symbols can explain to this interpretation, thereby generating a new interpretation of symbols. Unlimited extension of this process can go on to form a continuous chain to explain the symbols. In other words, to explain the significance of the process to constitute a new generation in the process. From the angle of observation, the translation can be regarded as a never-ending, ever-changing process of evolution (see below). In addition, under the symbol Pierce theory to explain the process for the vital signs of life. Only through symbolic interpretation / translation will be meaningful. When a symbol could not explain / translation, his life would come to an end. From this perspective, the purpose of the translation is not reappearance of the original meaning. but to mobilize and potential significance as a symbol of the text, to enable it to gain new life. It should be noted that the "symbols to explain the process of translation is" in contradiction with the concept of fact, Translator made it difficult to reconcile the two different requirements. If Tracing the source, it is easy to see that this is mainly because of the "symbols to explain the process of" two different points : or referring to objects or symbols to explain. When referring to the process to focus on objects, the purpose is to make the translation series of symbols and the meaning of such material is gradually explained to the other ── / translation of the end of the process points. Gorlee distinguished translation of the other three : on the other allegations (referential equivalence). significance of the other (significational equivalence) and the quality of the other (qu'en alitative equivalence). "Quality of other" means : the original and have the same sensory or physical characteristics, such as "the same length of paragraphs division rhyme structure and / or punctuation choice "(see Shen Dan Gorlee 1994:175; 1997). On the translation of this in terms of semiotics Gorlee translation theory can be said with little or no essential difference between the traditional translation. And the contrast, when focusing on the process to explain the symbols, focus on how to help, such as translation of the symbols (sic) the development of this issue. Yes, as explained symbols, and its main task is to help the growth of the original text. Pierce said, "if not a symbol to more fully develop themselves into another symbol, then So it should not sign " Similarly, we must keep thinking of "new and higher translation survival and development Otherwise, it would not be 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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