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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-02-03编辑:wujun点击率:14601

论文字数:9871论文编号:org201002031151099463语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


Abstract:nowadays, the Chinese youth are considered as “The Lost Generation”, and they are being criticized by the elders all day, because they do a lot of perverse things just like “The Lost Generation” in America which the elders cannot understand. Many of today’s Chinese youth do things to oppose the tradition, they are becoming more and more indifferent and apathetic and their desire of becoming famous is stronger than ever before. It seems that they are very happy and they do not care ab本论文英语论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供out anything, but actually, they are dissatisfied with their life and the society and suffering a lot in their hearts. But few people know about this and understand them. Nowadays, getting a house and a satisfactory job are so difficult; in the acquisitive society, money becomes more important than ever before and money worship is becoming more and more popular; there are unfair phenomena here and there in the society, which make people hopeless; the lack of honesty makes people difficult to trust each other, which results in the feeling of insecurity of people; and people are becoming indifferent and apathetic. The social environment influences people’s life deeply, so the Chinese youth need a good social environment. But, people themselves are the most important factor. So, the Chinese youth must do something to help themselves, too. This paper is to talk about the life of today’s Chinese youth by making a comparison with “The Lost Generation” in America, and the methods of improving the situation.

Key Words:Comparison; life; dissatisfaction; pressure; societ

摘 要:当今中国年轻一代被不少人称作“迷惘的一代”,他们也不断地受到老一辈人的批评, 因


There is a program in HNTV named Portrait of Change of Life, which once told a story about two boys who exchanged their life deliberately. One is named Wei Cheng — a boy living in the city, and the other is Gao Zhanxi —a boy living in the countryside. After a week’s exchange of life, both of them changed a lot. During the exchange, Wei Cheng changed from a “lost” boy to a well-behaved boy because of the hard life in the countryside. In the past, Wei Cheng did not like study, spent too much time on t本论文英语论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供he Internet, did not get along well with his parents, did not know his life goal and did not have any ideal at all. Gao Zhanxi studied hard and treated his parents well, after he came to the colorful city, he was “lost” for some time, but he found himself back when he knew that life in the city was hard as well. In China, there are so many young people just like the unchanged Wei Cheng, some of whom even do various crazy things. They seek excitements, do things against the tradition, lack faith, lay too much stress on material life and so on. Because of the above, some people consider them as “The Lost Generation”.

The term ‘The Lost Generation’ came from an American woman writer named Gertrude Stein(1874-1946), who had lived in Paris since 1903. She welcomed these young writers to her apartment, and gave them encouragement a论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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