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爱尔兰留学生论文:上市公司股利分配问题研究 [17]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-08-11编辑:yangcheng点击率:23686

论文字数:8971论文编号:org201408091841555264语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



pressure onChina's stock market expansion. Under the trend of global economic integration, regulators should as soon as possible let qualified foreign institutional investors in Chinese stock market, bring in mature markets for China's securities market, the value investment idea, rational investment so as to change the present our country stock market market characteristics of excessive speculation, improve the international competitiveness of China's securities market. 
7.6 strengthen the operation and management 
Strengthen management, improve the quality of earnings of long-term, stable source of profit is the root of the distribution of dividends, only with strong profitability of listed companies, and have higher earnings quality, in order to make shareholders to obtain long-term and stable dividends and capital gains, so, the listed company should make great efforts to improve their profitability, strengthen management, raise the risk consciousness, innovation mode of operation, cultivating the company core competitiveness, efforts to create a steady stream of cash flow for the company, realize the maximization of the value of company goals. 
7.7 change the market the regulator's idea 
Shift the market the regulator's idea. Market regulation is the government in order to standardize market behavior, ensure that/the implementation of the principle of justice, fair, open, and the necessary intervention on the market, it is the one of the means to realize the capital market healthy and orderly development. In the current our country listed company financing channels of a single case, keep a higher proportion of retained earnings or no dividend distribution can be solved to a certain extent, the company's capital needs. In the face of such a reality, regulatory focus should be to improve the system of the information disclosure of listed companies, supervise and urge the listed company provides reliable information to the public, guide the company 
From the height of its strategic development to establish suitable for their own situation of dividend distribution policy 
7.8 product cultivating institutional investors, and make it become the backbone of the stability of the stock market 
The mature stock market, institutional investors especially investment fund is the main market. In theUnited States, the institutional investors of enterprises the proportion of total assets rose from 12.6% in 1960 to 48.0% in 1997. Because the investment fund has the expert management, rational investment, the pursuit of the characteristics of long-term returns, so the excessive speculation in the stock market in our country, to develop the investment fund, hair Peng the advantage of its abundant funds, expert financial management, can greatly enhance the stability of the stock market, and gradually guide the share price on the basis of enterprise operating performance and prospects for development and change, curb excessive speculation; At the same time also can't make a lot of stock investment knowledge and experience of small and medium-sized investors, by adding investment fund, implemented a low-risk, high-yield, label: make money through the rational choice to the most efficient investment field. However, rely on the power of the spontaneous development of institutional investor论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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