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爱尔兰留学生论文:上市公司股利分配问题研究 [12]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-08-11编辑:yangcheng点击率:23688

论文字数:8971论文编号:org201408091841555264语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



dend policy. 'Such as theUnited Statesinternal revenue code' as enterprise indefinitely retained earnings is prohibited. These with mandatory legal measures to protect the interests of outside shareholders, as well as to define the minimum payout level of the enterprise; 
(2) in implementing the 'common law' countries such as Britain, the United States, the legal protection for investors is better in France and other countries 'civil law'. Therefore, in practice the 'common law' of the country, the listed company's dividend payment rate is significantly higher than the countries 'civil law'; 
(3) when the law can provide better protection for shareholders, has a good investment opportunity can usually choose low dividend payment policy. In contrast, when the law can only provide less protection to investors, even though the company has good investment opportunities, they are usually for reasons of maintenance reputation, and choose pay high dividend policy; 
(4) in countries with good legal environment, investors are more likely to use legal weapons to get dividends from the company, especially when the company better investment opportunities are scarce, especially; 
(5) the shareholders can actually how much dividends from the company, is not one of their biggest shareholders or small shareholders, but lies in whether they dared to use legal weapons to resist pressure from 'insider'. In Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries, the equity of large companies is relatively decentralized, how the company is largely controlled by the company managers, and in some countries some family-owned company, the company is usually manipulated by a few major shareholders. By managers in the company or big shareholders, etc under the condition of 'insider control', the biggest victims tend to be the minority shareholders. As a result, small shareholders are usually more has the preference of share out bonus, and, in order to make their own wealth is not arbitrary deprivation by 'insiders' control, small shareholders often use legal weapons to protect themselves. Law endows the rights of small shareholders include: insider and enjoy the same receive dividends, the same stock with benefit; About the company's major decisions the right to vote; The election of directors rights; A civil lawsuit against the damage caused by the company to shareholders' rights. Apart from the above rights, small shareholders can sell shares to those who want to gain control of unwanted suitors, and compete with those who do not share out bonus 
5.2 enlightenment of dividend distribution policy abroad 
On the foreign theory and practice of dividend policy of listed company makes a comprehensive analysis, the following conclusions and enlightenment: 
First, the dividend policy of listed companies to the company's share price and company's market value has very important influence, this influence will also involve the immediate interests of shareholders. Therefore, listed companies should start from the shareholder interest maximization goal, good coordination between dividend distribution and company development, shareholders of the relationship between the current interests and long-term interests, choose the optimal dividend policy. 
Second, cash dividend is abroad, especially in some deve论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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