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An analysis of the opportunities and threats for the car manufacturers associated with the enlargement of the European Union Executive summary This paper aims at exploring the impact of the expansion of Europe on the car manufacturers. This study makes use of PEST

论文类别:Economics人气:2988论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis加入时间:2011-09-30原创论文 Original thesis

2.european union (eu) enlargement -- a step towards ..[内容预览]2007-06-19

European Union (EU) enlargement -- a step towards the achievement of general objectives of economic integration Executive summary This essay is about the impact of EU enlargement on the integration. It offers a brief overview of the 5 stages of integration undertaken by Europe towards the prese

论文类别:Economics人气:3089论文属性:课程作业 Coursework加入时间:2007-06-19原创论文 Original thesis

3.some approaches to enlarge students’ vocabulary[内容预览]2006-10-20

Some Approaches to Enlarge Students’ Vocabulary Abstract:It presents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem that some of my students are limited in Vocabulary, which hinders their further English leaning. It is hypothesized that learners’ interest in new words will be

论文类别:Education人气:4708论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation加入时间:2006-10-20原创论文 Original thesis

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