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46.探析合作原则谈判法:collaborative principled negot..[内容预览]2010-11-15

摘要: 谈判是社会生活中无时不在、无处不有的现象。随着我国市场经济的迅速发展和改革开放的日益深入以及全球经济一体化趋势的加强,国际商务谈判已在我国经济发展中扮演了重要角色。但是,传统的输赢理念的谈判方法严重阻碍了谈判的进行。为此,我们引入了一种新的谈判方法-----合作原则谈判法,促使谈判顺利达成双赢。本文通过对原则谈判法四个基本原则、运用及优点作了详细阐述,间或引用国际著名的谈判案例,使大家对这种谈判方法有很好的了解并恰当地加以广泛运用。

论文类别:商务英语人气:23120论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2010-11-15原创论文 Original thesis

47.what are accounting principles?[内容预览]2010-06-03

1. Definition of accounting principles 1.1 Sidney Davidson “Handbook of modern accounting” Davidson (1977), the editor of “modern accounting manual” defines accounting principles as that accounting principles embody the accounting concept; accounting principles can be considered as the norm

论文类别:Accounting人气:4708论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2010-06-03原创论文 Original thesis

48.diploma thesis concept of chinese customer’s serv..[内容预览]2010-04-03

ThesisCONCEPT OF CHINESE CUSTOMER’S SERVICEBuild up good relation with customerRobert Tong Diploma Thesis Thesis PaperSupervised by: Mr. Michael YouStudent name: Tong Shuang Wu (Robert)Student number:

论文类别:Marketing人气:7771论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2010-04-03原创论文 Original thesis

49.cultural difference between chinese and english on..[内容预览]2010-02-09

I. IntroductionA. The world, along with different nationalities, politics, economy, education, cultural art and so on between nations, contacts each other frequently day by day. How to know objectively and deal with different nationality’s different culture and eliminate the spoken language

论文类别:英语语言学人气:31903论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers加入时间:2010-02-09免费论文 Free Thesis

50.starbucks: “maintaining principles as we grow”[内容预览]2010-01-15

Starbucks: “Maintaining principles as we grow”School of Management OLGA SUHOMLINOVA On 7 January, 2008, Starbucks ousted its CEO Jim Donald and appointed to the post the Starbucks’ chairman, Howard Schultz. Mr. Schultz, 54 years old, came to the Seattle coffee company in 1982

论文类别:MBA人气:19860论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2010-01-15免费论文 Free Thesis

51.managing financial principle & techniques[内容预览]2010-01-02

Task 1 Before taking over Taylor Ltd. it should take a full consideration the operation situation of Taylor Ltd. The best way to acquire information about it is through analyzing its accounts information. Based on sales and cost of Taylor ltd from 2003 to 2008, we can make the following conclus

论文类别:财务管理人气:6939论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2010-01-02原创论文 Original thesis

52.unit thirty one an analysis of 80 cases of mandibu..[内容预览]2009-12-19

L. Rix A. R. L Stevenson, A. Punnia-Moorthy: An analysis of 80 cases of mandibular fractures treated with miniplate osteosynthesis. Int. J. Oral Maxillofal. Surg. 1991; 20: 337-341 Abstract. A study of 80 consecutive cases of mandibular fractures treated utilizing miniplate osteosynt

论文类别:英语阅读人气:14731论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-12-19免费论文 Free Thesis

53.unit thirty the surgical principles of osseointegr..[内容预览]2009-12-14

Osseointegration; process and definition. The possibility of permanently retaining titanium fixture in vital remodeling bone with a capacity of considerable load bearing depends on an adequate comprehension of the osseointegration process. Professor Per-I

论文类别:英语阅读人气:22425论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-12-14免费论文 Free Thesis

54.reviews on the principle of effective nationality[内容预览]2009-05-27

I. Introduction In a world of ever-increasing transnational interaction, the importance of individual protection during the processes concurrently increases. Nationality is the principal link between individuals and states but also is the bridge connecting individuals with international law.

论文类别:International Business Law人气:8283论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2009-05-27免费论文 Free Thesis

55.to what extent do you agree with the argument that..[内容预览]2009-05-21

I. Introduction 1.1. the definition of democracy and violence 1.2. democratic conditions II. Democracy and violence 2.1 democracy as euphemism of violence 2.2 democracy’s guiding myths 2.3 democratic power III. democracy cannot decline violence 3.1 violence in history 3.1.1 Democratic a

论文类别:Politics人气:2843论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis加入时间:2009-05-21原创论文 Original thesis

56.principles for the translation of public signs[内容预览]2009-04-15

【Abstract】As a crucial communication material, the public sign exhibits its growing importance in the worldwide communication. It is a special text whose function is strong and communicative purpose quite clear. Thus, its translation approaches should be based on the text’s functions and the transl

论文类别:英语翻译论文人气:11691论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-04-15免费论文 Free Thesis

57.the basal principle and the development of auto en..[内容预览]2009-04-14

The Basal Principle and the Development of Auto Engine1.ntroduction 1.1 brief introduction of auto ....................................................1.2 framework of this essay2.The basal principle of auto engine: combustion of fuel into kinetic energy.3..............

论文类别:Science Technology人气:2185论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-04-14原创论文 Original thesis

58.multiple intelligences theory and english language..[内容预览]2009-04-07

I. Introduction With the advent of "humanism" in the 60s of the 20th century, the conventional, authoritative teacher-centered instruction has given way to the learner-centered mode of instruction. Educators started paying attention to the impact that learners' affective factors (e.g., their fee

论文类别:大学英语教学人气:14547论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-04-07免费论文 Free Thesis

59.a comparative study of the standard cloze test and..[内容预览]2009-04-07

Introduction Cloze tests are prose passages, usually a paragraph or more in length, from which certain words have been deleted. In such tests, testees are required to supply the missing words, using “linguistic knowledge, textual knowledge and knowledge of the world” (Cohen 1980:97). This p

论文类别:高中英语教学人气:8233论文属性:短文 essay加入时间:2009-04-07免费论文 Free Thesis

60.marketing principles for media business[内容预览]2009-01-24

With so many students choose to study in the University of Central Lancashire, the Chinese students group is a big potential media business opportunity. At present, student union newspaper cannot attract Chinese students’ eye, and the sales of student union newspaper in Chinese students group is ra

论文类别:media management人气:10311论文属性:学期论文 termpaper加入时间:2009-01-24原创论文 Original thesis

英国英国 澳大利亚澳大利亚 美国美国 加拿大加拿大 新西兰新西兰 新加坡新加坡 香港香港 日本日本 韩国韩国 法国法国 德国德国 爱尔兰爱尔兰 瑞士瑞士 荷兰荷兰 俄罗斯俄罗斯 西班牙西班牙 马来西亚马来西亚 南非南非