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英语新闻中词汇的主要特点 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-06-27编辑:lisa点击率:5282

论文字数:3500论文编号:org201006271034575543语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


步加以补充扩展, 并进行解释、 说明, 介绍有关背景知识, 做出结论等。 导语通常包含新闻的五大要素, 即: w ho, w hat,w hen, w here, w hy 或 how , 且进行高容量的概括,比较重要的或与主要内容关系密切的情况排在前,反之则排在后面; 如:To ron to2 Same2sex coup les may now get mar2r ied in O n tar i o - no t “comm it ted”o r “civilun i oned” , bu t legallymar r ied- af ter the p rovince’sh ighest cou r t ru led that it mu st i mmediately be al2low ed .从新闻导语中, 我们可以一目了然的弄清新闻导语的五个基本要素, 即:W ho : Same2sex coup les .W hat : may get mar r ied .W hen: now; af ter the p rovince’s h ighest cou r tru led that it mu st i mmediately be allow ed .W here: in O n tar i o.How: no t“comm it ted” o r“civil un i oned” , bu tlegally mar r ied .
    四、 英语新闻正文 (body)的语言特色  正文是导语之后的段落, 它是导语部分的具体化, 其作用是叙述具体的细节, 对导语进行解释扩展, 交代次要的一些情况. 正文内容一般采用三种叙述方式。
    1 . 倒金字塔叙述法( the Pyram id M ethod) , 即将最重要的事实放在前, 次要的事实放在后, 与导语一起形成一个倒金字塔结构, 便于读者捕捉要害内容, 满足读者的阅读需要。如:N ew U S liver allocat i on po licy increased num2ber of t ran sp lan t s, cu t death s on w ait ing list af terone year1 (导语部分)Deceased liver dono r t ran sp lan t s have in2creased 9% w h ile pat ien t death s on the w ait ing fo ra liver have decreased 23% since the incep t i on of anew liver allocat i on po licy in the U S . (重要的事实的交代)A s a resu lt, a year af ter the t ran sp lan t com2mun ity adop ted the mo st radical change in liver al2locat i on in the past 15 years, the ch ief arch itect ofthe new po licy says the t ran sp lan t commun ity hasen thu siast ically emb raced the new po licy . (次重要细节的交代)2 . 顺时叙述法( the Ch rono logicalmethod)。顺时叙述法即报道的事实按照时间的顺序排列, 逐步进入高潮, 类似短篇小说, 但一般篇幅比较长, 不及倒金字塔叙述法紧凑和简洁, 如:Cincinnat i2 B illed as “the gayest show onear th, ”Cincinnat i P r ide on June 7 and 8 becameone of the w et test perfo rmances on the p lanet,w ith thou sands get t ing drenched Sunday ju st as theparade star ted . (导语部分)Bu t the Sunday rain didn’ t stop crow ds f romretu rn ing to the even t af ter a sunny Satu rday . (按时间顺序依次展开叙述)“Peop le kep t f ilter ing in all th rough the af ter2noon, ” said P r ide comm it tee chair Ken Co legroveon Sunday . “It go t p ret ty crow ded . It said a lo tabou t the sp ir it of the city . ”Greater Cincinnat i P r ide 2003 k icked off onSatu rday w ith a fest ival in No r th side’s HoffnerPark at 4 pm. No longer conf ined to the park’s cir2cle, the fest ival allow ed larger crow ds and had amo re relaxed atmo sphere, b r inging in near ly 2, 000peop le .The Q ueen City Rainbow Band perfo rmed sev2eral songs Satu rday .“W e star ted 15 mon th s ago w ith f ive mu si2cian s, ”said mu sical directo r Bunny D r isco ll .“Ton igh t w e pu t 43 peop le on stage here . ”Ginger, a poet f rom Sista! Sista! gave a vividperfo rmance Satu rday at Hoffner Park. She to ldthe crow d to“Kiss, caress, and be loved . Stand,get up , and rep resen t someth ing . ”The fest ivit ies con t inued on Sunday asmarchers gathered in Bu rnetWoods fo r the fou r thannual P r ide parade .A ligh t rain star ted ju st asDykes on B ikes ando thers lef t the Bu rnet Woods rally sho r t ly af ter 1pm. It stopped a half hou r later bu t resumed heavi2ly ju st befo re the parade reached the already damp2ened Hoffner Park.The rain, how ever, did no t stop the p roces2si on, w ith around 50 veh icles论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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