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代写assignment、essay专题指导-最全面的论文写作精要-Preparation-Graduate Statement Themes-Sample Essay-Essay Structures-Style and Tone-Intros and Conclusions-Editing and Revising [10]


论文字数:10241论文编号:org201108231322449721语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

关键词:代写assignment代写essay专题指导最全面的论文写作精要Graduate Statement ThemesSample EssayEssay Structures NowStyle and ToneIntros and ConclusionsEditing and Revising

摘要:代写assignment、essay专题指导-最全面的论文写作精要- Preparation -Graduate Statement Themes-Sample Essay-Essay Structures-Style and Tone-Intros and Conclusions-Editing and Revising

acteristics. If you choose multiple topics, they should not be redundant, but
build on and supplement each other.
Standing Out
Is your topic unique? It's hard to have something entirely new to say, but you should at least
have a fresh take on your topic. If you recognize a lack of originality in your ideas, try to be
more specific and personal. The more specific you get, the less likely that you will blend in with
the essays of your competition.
Keeping Your Reader's Interest
Will your topic be able to sustain your reader's interest for the entire length of the essay? It's
true that good writing can make any topic fascinating to read about, but there's no need to start
yourself off with a handicap. Choose a topic that will naturally be of interest to any reader. For
this criterion, it's necessary to step back and view your topic objectively, or else consult the
opinion of others. If someone described the basic idea to you, would you care enough to ask
for more details?
Staying Grounded in Detail
You should make sure ahead of time that your topic is fundamentally based on concrete
evidence. If you're choosing specific experiences or events, then the relevant details should be
clearly available. If your topic is more abstract, then you must be prepared to back up any
claims with concrete examples and illustrative details.
Answering the Question
Applicants often overlook the very basic necessity of actually answering the question posed.
They think they can get away with a loosely adapted essay from another application, or they
simply don't take the time to review the question carefully. Make sure the topic you choose
gives you room to address all parts of the question fully. Your readers could perceive an
irrelevant response as an indication of your carelessness or lack of interest in their school.
What to Avoid
After you've determined that your topic meets the above criteria, you should check that it also
avoids the following pitfalls:
1. Resorting to gimmicks: While creativity is encouraged, there must be substance to make
your tactics worthwhile. Don't expect mere novelty to win you any points, and realize that you
risk coming across as frivolous. Also, there's a good chance that any gimmicks you come up
with-writing a poem, writing in the third person-have been done already.
2. Focusing on the negative: There is a separate section of this course dealing with how to
address negative aspects of your application. As far as your topic is concerned, the main idea
should be focused on your positive attributes. This does not mean, of course, that you
shouldn't mention past weaknesses that you have learned to overcome, as the emphasis there
is still on the strength you demonstrated.
3. Repeating information that's listed elsewhere in the application: We have already
mentioned this point, but it's worth making abundantly clear. Your topic should not merely be a
list of activities or synthesis of your resume. Rather, it should offer the kind of insight that only
you can provide in a personal manner.
4. Being too controversial: If you get a sympathetic reader, a controversial topic might help
you to stand out, but you risk offending others and severely hurting your chances. You would
do better to search for a topic that makes you unique without resorting to cheap shots or
obvious cries for attention.
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