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留学MBA论文:麦当劳的员工关系 [8]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-07-21编辑:cinq点击率:20644

论文字数:4000论文编号:org201707191340491960语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



reater autonomy and input into decision making

Increased employee job satisfaction, motivation and commitment

Improved individual and organisational performance'.

Q.e. Conclude by taking the key elements of your observations in steps a-d regarding McDonald's approach to employee relations in order to make a short recommendation for similar countries or organisations with regard to developing and/or improving their employee relations
Findings & recommendations:
The process of collective bargaining is to settles down any conflicts regarding the conditions of employment such as wages, working hours and conditions, overtime payments, holidays, vacations, benefits, insurance benefits etc. and management regulations.

In most areas, McDonald's German employees appear to enjoy better conditions than their UK counterpart. This is particularly so with regard to holiday entitlement but again this is still lower than for most German firms. The recent UK pay increase has brought pay levels close to those in Germany. In Germany the NGG are satisfied that by and large they have been able to improve pay and conditions for most employees, however, there remain two main problems.

'The above discussion suggests that there is an obvious need to scrutinise the powers of MNEs and it raises questions about the adequacy of labour legislation. Conditions of work and employment appear to be increasingly threatened, regardless of particular institutional arrangements. Weak or ambiguous legislation and continuing employer demands for flexibility, decentralisation and deregulation may increasingly allow MNEs to choose employee relations policies with interference from external labour market institutions. This may be too pessimistic, clearly more comparative work is needed in the area and it will need to concentrate on the common themes or tensions in all countries and examine how they are affecting the choices of micro-level actors and institutional arrangements in different societies'.

'Individual bargaining can be used as both of alternative to collective or in parallel. But my recommendation for Macdonald's to use individual bargaining as an alternative approach specially in Europe and American territory whereas in Australia and New Zealand it could be used in addition'.

Due to decline in collective bargaining in all over the world it is now strongly recommended that McDonald's should prepare to adapt with a change in the bargaining structure which is becoming more decentralised in Sweden, Australia, the former West Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States, although in somewhat different degrees and ways from country to country.

We have also come to understand that bargaining structure both influences and is influenced by the distribution of bargaining power. Yet, data that allow clear tests of the effects of changes in bargaining structure on bargaining outcomes generally have not been available.

'The difficulty of assessing the effects of bargaining structure arises in part from the fact that there is no simple measure of the degree of bargaining structure centralisation, because the location of collective bargaining often differs depending on the subject of bargaining. In many countries, wages are negotiated in company or sectoral agreements, and work rules are set at a lower level, often in 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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