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中层领导者对企业发展的重要性研究 [25]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2015-07-03编辑:felicia点击率:26374

论文字数:22877论文编号:org201506042248487060语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



may be predicated by organizational frame orientation. The complexity and dynamics of implementation can be understood using the four frames separately, but understanding becomes richer when bringing the four frames together in various combinations. If we look at situation of change through the structural and human resource frame, we took into consideration the uncertainty and chaos dimensions of the situation as well as issues related to incompetence. But we leave out any issues related to conflict or loss of meaning.

The present study is based on the assumption that implementation of change is a complex organizational process and effective managerial leadership is crucial for successful implementation. Implementation of change is influenced by a multiplicity of factors, including the change or innovation itself, the perceptions and needs of the individuals, the prevailing political and cultural environment of the organization and organizational structure. Eevery organizational member responds to the change with a different perspective. The confluence of these factors underlines the challenges being faced by the middle mangers while implementing change and creates a compelling need for multi-frame leadership. For effective implementation of a change program, the midlevel public managers need to have a cognitively complex leadership. This study analyses individual manager's frame utilization and investigates the relationship between frame and implementation of planned organizational change.

The Bolman and Deal model is appropriate for examining the leadership frames of midlevel public managers in relation to implementation of change in the Pakistani public sector. The model is useful for studying the leadership of midlevel public managers because it acknowledges the diversity of issues and challenges associated with the implementation process and requires the ability to view leadership from multiple perspectives.


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