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浅析女性哥特式小说--呼啸山庄 [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-02-10编辑:wujun点击率:34019

论文字数:论文编号:org201002101032518079语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


d the Gothic features evidently. Secondly, since the Industrial Revolution in the second half of the eighteenth century, the class structure and people’s way of living in English society had undergone radical changes. People then were tired of the old living mode and expected something novel and pleasing, which formed the social basis for the production of Gothic novels. Finally, there are countless cultural ties between Wuthering Heights and its author. “Stronger than a man, simpler than a child.”[2] Charlotte Brontë uses these words to describe her. Emily is the truly free spirit of the family, one who could not live away from her beloved extensive though dangerous and bleak moors-Haworth. Her father is of Irish stock and famous for his fluent speech and imagination. He plays a very important role in shaping Emily’s character and genius - “the temperament of the Irish - melancholy, passionate, proud, restless, eloquent, and witty – and the Methodist religious fervor and enthusiasm shown by the followers of John Wesley.”[3] Besides “environment also played its part in creating the uniqueness of Emily Brontë. The village of Haworth was very isolated and intensely Yorkshire and the people living there were in strong contrast to the Celtic temperament. They were blunt, practical, stubborn, sparing of speech, vigorous, and harsh to the point of brutality.”[4] The product of the moors exalts the spirit of Emily and fills her soul with the love of liberty. Another factor that influences Emily’s character is her brother, Branwell, the one to whom Emily has always been closest. Branwell’s falling prey to本论文英语论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供 drink and drugs almost makes Emily’s heart broken. Because of his death, Emily never leaves the house again and insists on keeping up her regular round of duties. A few months after Branwell’s death, Emily dies at the age of thirty.
In conclusion, Emily Brontë “used the stark Yorkshire setting, not to create suspense and horror, as in the typical Gothic novel, but as a natural part of her story.”[5] On one hand, she carries on the Gothic tradition in her creation of the novel. On the other hand, she has not just employed the mode but promotes some improvements in this old tradition. She used the skill of Female Gothic in her writing of the novel. In the following, the author is trying to make a study on Wuthering Heights from the aspects of the devilish characters and the terrifying nightmares.
2.   From Gothic novel to Female Gothic novel
In studying Wuthering Heights from the aspect of a Female Gothic novel, no one can ignore the definition of this term Gothic. To do so, however, one is likely to fall into the trap of ambiguity, for there is no definite and comprehensive way to expound it. As time goes by, the connotation of this term gradually expands from its original meaning into broader sense.
“The word Gothic originally referred to the Goths, an early Germanic tribe, then came to signify ‘Germanic’, then ‘medieval’.”[6] And the members of this tribe win fame because of their valiance and truculence during the battle with Romans. Although after around 7A.D.the Goths vanishes from history, they had indirectly added new meaning to the word Gothic that is then used to denote a style of architecture that originates in France and flourishes during the Medieval Period. The major characteristics of Gothic buildings are embodied by “the use of the high pointed arch and vault, flyin论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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