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College Essay -college essay sample -留学essay代写- Business Program Application: Edited Essay + Critique [11]


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关键词:College Essaycollege essay sample留学essay代写Business Program ApplicationEdited Essay

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be moved to Chicago or Atlanta.  Huddled on the bed in a London Hotel room, tempers flared.  There were questions: "What is going on?" and "What should we do?"  The next thing I knew, we were boarding a flight out of London, bound for the United States once more.  Ironically, we stopped over in my former home state of New York en route to our final destination  the city of Chicago.
We spent a couple of weeks house-hunting on the clean tree-lined streets of Chicago’s suburbs.  Incredibly, once we had found a house we liked, we learned of my father’s fourth transfer, this time to Georgia.
Another plane ride and we were in Atlanta; I was now numb from traveling and my mind was blank.  After a short and restless night's sleep I found myself in front of the mirror fixing my collar for yet another school visit.  As it turned out, our globetrotting summer ended at the home of my father’s friend.  His family’s smiles, their welcomes, and the sounds of laughter convinced me that we had arrived at the right place.  We would make our new home in Dixie Land.
I entered school soon after as a junior at Pope High School in Marietta, Georgia.  After my first day at school, I came home to our nearly new house.  I stepped inside the bright foyer, where the afternoon sun was beaming through the crystal chandelier.  I gazed through the windows at the deep blue sky, and watched as a bird flew past the house and settled in the maple tree out back.  I realized that after all the trials and tribulations I had endured that summer, I had finally found my home in Georgia.  My family and I had seen and experienced so much, and the strength and camaraderie we gained from facing adversity together inspires me to this day.  My whirlwind summer taught me about the world around me, but in the end the biggest lesson I learned was about myself, that I have the strength and flexibility to make the most of any new situation.
College Essay - A Good Essay Originally: Edit Only (no critique posted)
Sample Work
When evaluating the quality of EssayEdge's edits, please bear in mind the quality of the original version to understand the dramatic improvement made to the essay. Also, bear in mind that a comprehensive critique is included with the EssayEdge editing service in addition to the rewritten version but that we do not include the critique here for privacy reasons.
The below edit earned this comment from the customer: 
Thanks for your feedback on my essay. I was really flattered that you connected with my essay and appreciated it. And your re-organization of the essay made it a lot more coherent and helped the essay to flow better. Anyway, your help was invaluable.
Unedited Version (the "Before")
My mother, through her work with abused children has shown me the heroism of selfless dedication to a worthy cause. My playwrighting teacher in middle school became an inspiring male role model at a time when I needed one badly. My World History teacher in my freshman year of high school opened my eyes to the connections between our society's culture and our history.
Each one of these people has influenced me profoundly but I feel a certain distance from them: they are my elders. The person who I believe has influenced me most is one of the best friends I ever had, Mike. I feel that wherever I go, I will never be the same for having known论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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