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Leadership报告-对特易购经理疑问的回答 [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-01-06编辑:dou1901点击率:13446

论文字数:3509论文编号:org201511182240434286语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:personal managementHuman Resource Management人事管理方法


taff member to leave the job?

In order to understand appropriate measures of Staff Retention, we need to first understand the reason provoking them to resign and they are as follows:

New job offered: Job offered by some other company which meets the employee's requirement.

Expecting Higher Salaries: One of the main areas where the employee looks out for changes is the Pay. A business can bloom when the employees in that business can request a hike in salary and feel comfortable about it.

Availability of Benefits programs: Most of the employees want the organization to take care of there health insurance, offs, holidays as well as retirement.

Over-management: Micro-managing can certainly reduce one if the issue in employee retention as sometime employees feel over management is prevalent in business.

Human Resources department response to employees: This means that the Human resource department needs to be more attentive to the requirements and issues of the employees.

Fair treatment: Every employee wants fair treatment thus its Manager's responsibility to make that each employee is treated equivalently.

Communication: This is one of the major complaints of every employee. Everyone looks out of face to face conversation and communication with there Managers and Management.

Stress from overwork and work life imbalance: Many times employee feel that they are over loaded with work and they have less time to complete there tasks. This can be avoided by implementing improvement activities in co-ordination with the employees.

Work environment: Every employee wants to work in an environment which is not only clean but also well organized. This helps them in performing well.

Job satisfaction: Employees usually leave jobs if they don't have job satisfaction. This can be in terms of job role, profile, salary, responsibility etc.

2.2.2怎么扩大员工保留?-2.2.2 How to amplify Staff Retention?

Following are some of the suggestion to increase Staff retention:

Should recruit people who have talent, ability and ready to work in any position, even if the company's doesn't have the appropriate position as per their capability.

Competitive, attractive and packages with different benefits like life insurance, permanent or temporary disability insurance and flexible hours.

Regular feedback on staff's performance feedback and praising their efforts can also reduce employee turnover.

Make work more enjoyable, Celebration of events and traditions of business.

Behaviour-based testing and proficiency viewing; it means selection of right applicant first. Employees should be able to balance their personal and professional life.

Store should be adequately staffed so that employees don't need to do overtime against their will.

By providing more opportunity for growth in career.

Employee retention strategy can be classified into three levels: Low, medium and high and there differences are given in the below flow chart:

2.3在招聘中法律和伦理问题-2.3 Legal and Ethical Issues in Recruitment

To meet legal requirement company needs to make sure that Job postings, inspecting references, interview questionnaire, an论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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