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leadership study essay [9]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-19编辑:wangjinjin点击率:21610

论文字数:5938论文编号:org201507190948471758语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



Yes, we are now in a leadership crisis and we need to act fast in order to nip the problem in the bud. 

Organisations have to make serious efforts to replenish their talent pool and retain identified potential successors for the well-being of their business. The HRDs in organisations have to take proactive measures in planning for leadership development so that they will not run out of leaders at any time. It is time that organisations place greater emphasis to fill the vacuum for quality and effective leadership.


Leadership development training programs are normal means to increase leadership skills and capabilities in many organisations. It is a generally accepted idea that training programs and services can improve the skills and competencies of potential leaders. But what some organisations really need are leadership skills and capabilities which are tailored to suit the needs of their organisations, which may be different from others. In cases such as these, the leadership development strategies for the said organisations must be custom-made to their specific needs. Coming up with great leadership development strategies require a lot of time and effort, therefore many organisations simply decide to adopt a general plan and expect the leaders to be able to function well once they complete certain training programs.

Some existing leadership programs are already outdated as they no longer meet expectation of the business environment which has evolved over time. Some programs are not focused on enhancing the required skills while others simply emphasize on the management aspects of leadership. In the end, organisations that choose inappropriate leadership development programs may not benefit even though they have made major investments in generating leaders from such programs.

To counter this problem of producing 'generic' leaders, best practice companies usually run a thorough identification process within their organisation to recognise the actual needs that can enhance their current organisational structure. By doing so, they can detect areas of strengths and weaknesses; thus, they can develop further on their strengths and improve their weaknesses. Where leadership is concerned, best practice companies are able to strategise their leadership development plan after they have identified the common best practices that exist within the organisations. Their leadership development strategies can then be tailored to reinforce these practices and improve on them. In this way, the organisation will benefit in the long run as the quality of organisational leadership will be consistently upgraded.

The organisation's reward system can also be the main factor which can help to improve leadership. Leaders should not overlook the significance and impact of the reward system on his followers. To illustrate, high-performing teams are generally well compensated based on their achievements. This acts as an incentive for them to increase their work performance. Changes in the behavior of the leaders could also affect the performance of their subordinates.

It is very important for organisations to realize that well planned leadership development strategies w论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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