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论文字数:2141论文编号:org201204251632154636语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文




A secure, keyless, and blind watermarking and authentication strategy for images on quantum computers, WaQI, is proposed based on restricted geometric transformations.——第一句指出了本文主要的研究成果,即:WaQI,一种基于受限几何变换的安全、无密钥、盲量子图像水印及其认证方案。

In contrast with conventional digital watermarking techniques where geometric transformations on the contents of an image are considered undesirable, the proposed WaQI scheme utilizes the restricted variants (of the quantum versions) of these transformations as the main resources of the watermark embedding and authentication circuits.

This is accomplished by a careful analysis of the classical content of the image–watermark pair, based on which a bespoke watermark map that translates into the gate sequences of the quantum watermark embedding and authentication circuits is realised.

Simulation-based experimental results involving the classical (i.e. conventional or non-quantum) simulation of the input images, watermark signals, and quantum circuits yielded a 25% improvement in terms of overall watermark-embedding capacity and between 7% and 50.7% in terms of the visible quality of the watermarked images in comparison with select digital watermarking methods for various pairs, thus, demonstrating both the feasibility and capabilities of the proposed WaQI scheme when the necessary quantum hardware are realised physically.

This scheme, provides the framework for representing two or more quantum data as a single quantum circuit, and opens the door for other applications aimed at quantum data protection.

A Brief Discussion on Cultural Difference between
Chinese and English


Word is the product of society,which is the history of mankind and which is the crystallization of history and culture.It embodied a nation's social consciousness from generation to generation, history, culture, and other areas all the features of human society. The essence of which is dependent because of their different cultural background, language background and traditional factors above. chinese and english are quite different.such as mode of living,values,atandard of behavior,formality,customs. Language is is both the carrier and the product of culture, the cultural enrichment of information is an important part of culture, Language reflects the culture of development and changes, but also a direct reflection of the cultural differences.As we all know china and english has different cultural atmosphere .china has a long history and rich culture. English in the contemporary world political, economic, cultural and other fields to play with temporary no other language can replace the role of English in a number of countries in addition to the mother tongue but also as a second language or foreign language in common use in many countries. As a symbol system, "English" is a kind of language, on their use, in today's world there are all sorts of "English" and "English" is in fact the name of a simple terms, we can not hope that justice Literal It is a single, homogeneous phenomenon it is all around the world and under different circumstances the use of the many variants of the English pool. However, due to g论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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